Registered under the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe

16 January 2021


And Clarifications


Dear Authors,

We thank you for the incoming important enquiries; we found some questions being asked often and we hope these answers can help others too.





 How can one become a member?

 WIN has been conducting a free registration since late last year as a way of organizing its membership database. While subscription fees will be re-introduced in the future, this membership drive will allow interested budding writers to join meanwhile without the burden of money. A simplified registration form is available upon request. Once WIN receives the information required from the writer, registration is considered complete. WIN will also try to send confirmations of registration but that should not hinder one to enter the current competition being run by JAC Film School in partnership with WIN. JAC Film School and WIN have a system they will use to verify membership of writers who would have entered the competition.

 Why JAC Film School not appearing on Google when I search for it?

 JAC Film School is a new initiative being run by UK-based Jessie Allen. A website for the competition is still being developed. Registration with Google is taking longer than we had anticipated as this is a new partnership venture.

 Can I submit my script via WIN?

 The regulations of the competition are clear in the advert. WIN is only registering writers to become members so that they qualify to enter the competition. However, becoming a member has benefits beyond the competition as the partnership between JAC Film School and WIN and with other organizations will be sustained.

 Can I submit my short story?

 Most of the questions like the one above clearly show there are writers who are not reading the advert carefully. We encourage the writers to read and understand the competition regulations before they submit their entries.

 Writers sending CV’s and job applications

 The competition organizers suspect that this confusion has been caused by a slight misunderstanding of the wording in the advert. This is a competition that requires writers to send in their scripts for consideration. To become a winner you will need to demonstrate your abilities through the submission of a script and this is a one script per entry competition because some writers are sending in multiple scripts. Writers need to choose their best script to enter. Entry is free for members.

 The expression ‘This is a paid assignment…

 It means that the winners will be contracted by JAC Film School to complete a three month assignment to develop scripts. However, follow-up training workshops will be provided for the other competition participants.


 Thank you.


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