Well, well, it really has been such a long stretch of time since we last published the newsletter. Finally, we are on the road again after the past two months became so hectic for us. We are glad that, despite some few last-minute challenges, we successfully wound up our 2012 Short Story Writing Competition and the follow-up Short Story Writing Skills Training Workshop. Our gratitude will always be to you all for your cooperation, understanding, and support in this endeavor. You inspired. We will be publishing the Winning Entries in both categories one by one in the next issues of the WIN Newsletter. Remember, there is so much happening around us in Zimbabwe that demands our attention such as arts festivals, writers' events, writing competitions, literary discussions, etc. In this issue, we hope you find some of the soul answers you have been looking for. Please enjoy!
Press Release
The Intwasa Short Story Competition is held in honor of the late Zimbabwean author, Dr. Yvonne Vera (above)
The Intwasa Short Story Competition is in its eighth year. The competition was inaugurated in the first year of the festival and is an annual literary event seeking to promote original creative writing talent in English. In 2011 the award for the winner was named the Yvonne Vera Award, which carries a $500 cash prize.
The rules of the competition are as follows:
- There is no particular theme
- Entries must be written in English
- Entries should be previously unpublished
- Only one entry per person
- All work must be original
- Entries must be typed.
- Maximum 3000 words.
- The competition is open to all Zimbabwe citizens and residents
- Entries must be submitted by July 31, 2012
- Late entries will not be accepted.
- Only the short-listed candidates will be personally notified
This year, there were 81 entries, slightly fewer than last year, but the overall quality of the writing in the entries has continued to improve. Forty-four per cent of the entries were from Bulawayo, seventeen per cent from Harare with the rest coming from across Zimbabwe, with one entry from South Africa and one from Algeria. Sixty submissions were from males and twenty-one from females.
It was encouraging to see of wide variety of subject areas in the stories, from teenage love stories to stories of traditional rural life. The judges were also pleased to see the use of humour, which enlivened many of the submissions, and, generally, the good command of language.
A reader needs some description in a story to help visualize settings and people but, on occasion, there was an overuse of descriptive passages at the expense of moving the story forward. In good fiction a writer will ‘show and not tell’. In several of the stories there were too long descriptions of the main character’s state of mind and emotions.
Writers do need to check the spelling, punctuation and general grammar in their submissions before submitting their work, whether to a competition or to a publisher. On occasion, writers did use words correctly, which tended to jar.
Although the standard of the writing has improved, several of the plots were overly complex and the characters poorly developed. The endings of many of the stories were unconvincing.
The shortlisted stories chosen by the judges tended to combine a good use of language with interesting and well-developed plots.
The ten shortlisted stories are, in alphabetical order:
Blessing Hungwe -Coming Out -Harare
VioletteKee-Tui -Tattered Cloth- Bulawayo
Mandla Khumalo- Fading Memories- Bulawayo
Sipho Mpofu -A Congenial Man -Bulawayo
Mahluli Ndlovu - It’s Not a Man’s World - Bulawayo
Nixon Nembaware -The Rain God of Nyatanga Hill -Harare
BabusiNyoni -Foolishness - Bulawayo
MgciniNyoni -Crying Still -Bulawayo
Khotso Sibanda -Not Guilty as Charged -Bulawayo
ChaltoneTshabangu - Scheherazade of a Sort - Bulawayo
The short list will be trimmed to five nominees 7th of September 2012.
Kwame Dawes, Guggenheim Fellow and winner of the 2011 Barnes & Noble Writers for Writers Award, is excited to announce the establishment of the African Poetry Book Series. Beginning in January 2014, the imprint will publish four new titles by African poets each year. In addition the Series will publish every few years an anthology representing African regions, themes and ideas. Of the four books published annually, one will be a winner of the Sillerman African First Book Prize for African Poets, and another will be a new and selected volume by a major African poet. The winner of the prize will also receive a $1000 cash prize and publication with the University of Nebraska Press and Amalion Publishing in Senegal .
Ghanaian poet, Kofi Awoonor, has signed up to be the first major African poet to be part of the Series. His new and selected poems with an introduction by fellow poet and scholar, Kofi Anyidoho, will be published in 2014 by the African Poetry Book Series along with three other titles.
The Series has been made possible through seed funding from philanthropists, Laura and Robert F. X. Sillerman, whose generous contributions have facilitated the establishment of the African Poetry Book Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Sillerman have also welcomed the use of their name for the First Book Prize for African poets, the Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets, which will be part of the Series.
The African Poetry Book Series will be the major feature of the work of the African Poetry Book Fund, established this year under Dawes’ leadership through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. An Advisory Board has been established to support and guide the work of the African Poetry Book Fund. Confirmed members of the Fund’s Advisory Board include Laura Sillerman, Elizabeth Alexander, Sulaiman Adebowale, Russell Goings, Peter Rorvik, Ellah Allfrey and Glenna Luschei.
Under the auspices of the Fund, one of its key facets will be the establishment of an additional prize for poetry, the Brunel University African Poetry Prize, awarded for a portfolio of poems by an African poet. Spearheaded by poet and novelist Bernardine Evaristo, the Brunel University African Poetry Prize will offer a cash award for the winning entries and publication in key international literary journals. Evaristo will also serve on the Editorial Board of the Series.
A collaborative venture, the African Poetry Book Fund will oversee the publication of the Series which will be co-published by the University of Nebraska Press in the US and Amalion Publishing in Senegal, led by publisher Sulaiman Adebowale. The literary journal Prairie Schooner will be a key partner in this project offering administrative support and the management of the annual First Book Prize. Open Road Media, a dynamic digital publisher and multimedia company led by publishing powerhouse Jane Friedman, will be handling the digital and e-book side of the African Poetry Book Series. Finally, Blue Flower Arts, a leading arts booking agency for some of the best contemporary writers, has offered to represent the Series and its authors.
The African Poetry Fund will, through the Series and other projects, promote the writing and publication of African poetry through an international complex of additional collaborations and partnerships. The Fund and its partners will offer support for seminars, workshops and other publishing opportunities for African poets.
Six gifted and internationally regarded poets will serve as the Editorial Board for the Series. Ghanaian-born poet Kwame Dawes is the founding Series Editor. Also serving on the editorial board are: the South African poet Gabeba Baderoon, the American novelist John Keene, the Nigerian poet and novelist Chris Abani, the Egyptian-American poet Matthew Shenoda and Bernardine Evaristo, award-winning novelist and poet from the UK.
Make sure to stay tuned to Prairie Schooner’s website, blog, Facebook and Twitter for further projects of this enterprising Series. Additional information is available at the website of the African Poetry Book Fund, http://africanpoetrybf.unl.edu/ as well as on the Brunel University African Poetry Prize website: http://africanpoetryprize.org
Marianne Kunkel
Script Writing for the Camera
By Moira Marangwanda
A script for the camera is called a screen play and a screen play is written in present tense always and only what the audience can see and hear. As a scriptwriter one should think in terms of images rather than dialogue because film is a highly visual medium; you show, never tell it. The script should start from a high concept idea, an unforgettable character or both because the idea is to capture the attention of the audience instantly, so you need to make a lasting impression.
Just like a stage play you still need to come up with memorable, extra -ordinary, larger than life characters with super objectives, identifying your protagonist and antagonist thereby bringing in the conflict; the tension or clash of wills between the protagonist and antagonist and a good plot. However the basic point of departure is that for film you have the ability to think connecting different events happening at the same time. Unlike writing for the stage where you write things that you expect to be enacted live on the stage, for the camera the writer becomes a sort of an overseer and one can be very adventurous and play around with scenes. 'Syntagmatic comprehension' is where you break chronology. You can join scenes that are communicating and helping to tell a story not necessarily from the same point of view e.g. from Z to A and then to B, C, D and then X,Y.
So your scripts should be divided into scenes and each scene should at least have syntagmatic comprehension. Designing a scene is probably the same as in script writing for the stage but the emphasis is on the structure/ construction. A scene can be defined as “the arrangement of action that gives narratives resonance or life to a particular moment which requires it to have a specific beginning, middle and end.” Scenes give structure to a screen play and must be constructed to serve a particular purpose rather than dragging the dramatic movement of action. Some of the following make up a good scene:
A scene should have its own dramatic moment
It must move the action forward
Must reveal something new
Should accomplish several goals
Should have a clear purpose
Formatting a screen play is one area that is very crucial because the formatting is what differentiates it from a stage play at a first glance. Most publishers or film makers may turn you down if your script does not have the proper formatting.
Left margin Right margin
Scene descriptions 2 inches - 1/2 inches
Dialogue 3 inches 2 inches
Character’s name centre
Descriptions in parenthesis under character’s name 31/2 inches AND 2 inches
In this era of technological boom, you can also employ software called Celtex that will definitely make the formatting easier for the writer.
Here is a list of common terms in writing for the camera:
P.O.V- Point of View
V.O- Voice Over
O.S- Off Screen
B.G- Background
CUT TO- Cutting from one scene to another
CUT BACK- Returning to the main scene after a series of interpolating shots
DISSOLVE TO/ DISSOLVE THROUGH TO- This is used at the end of a scene to suggest a slow change from one scene to another, often a change in time or space.
The golden rule when writing for the camera is to show, never to tell. Thus, less dialogue and more actions.
More about radio plays in one of my next post. Feel free to contact us should you have any comments.
Nyathi Turns Poem Into Children’s Book
By Beaven Tapureta
Cover of the book My Daughter
Popular dub-poet and musician Albert Nyathi has transformed his well-known poem ‘My Daughter’ into a children’s book to bring his message closer to families.
However, it remains to be seen if the book will perform as powerfully as the poem does when Nyathi performs it on stage.
The book My Daughter, recently published by Lion Press, uses powerful metaphoric Illustrations of animals to accompany the poem, making it easy for the children to understand the poem’s counsel.
The persona in the poem is a father aware of the vulnerability of his daughter in an insensitive world which teem with ‘drooling hyenas’, ‘panting leopards’, ‘hungry lions’, among other vicious animals in the book aiming to annihilate the girl child.
The children-friendly text design and layout add to the visual accessibility of the book.
The father’s love to protect her daughter is felt through the well-chosen imagery to represent the different forces that have made the world an unsafe place for children.
In the 21st century world, wars and diseases have left families damaged and fragmented, often exposing the girl child to all kinds of abuse by, as the poem says, the “proud peacocks that love/to show off bales of dollars/and pound sterling notes/…’.
Nyathi’s decision to creatively turn the poem into a book is commendable as this shows that art can share various forms.
A book has the capacity to reach out to many homes and raise awareness of whatever it is speaking for or about.
A book has the capacity to reach out to many homes and raise awareness of whatever it is speaking for or about.
Children’s poetry books written by local writers are very few in Zimbabwe and hopefully My Daughter encourages a change in the writers’ attitude towards local children’s literature.
Born in Kafusi, Gwanda, Nyathi is well known for his touching poetry performances at local and international festivals and has also produced musical CDs and DVDs with his band Imbongi. My Daughter is his second book. His first, Echoes from Zimbabwe, a poetry collection, was published in 2010 by Lion Press.
Simba rekurangarira ndiwo musimboti wekunyora nyaya
(article adapted from the Shona blog Mudara RaTinashe Muchuri)
Na Tinashe 'Mutumwapavi' Muchuri
Shimmer Chinodya achiverenga nyaya pfupi inonzi 'Hofman Street' kubva mubhuku rake renyaya pfupi rinonzi Can We Talk.
Musi wa23 Nyamavhuvhu 2012 rakava zuva rakaisvonaka apo vanyori vakaungana kuBookCafe pachiitiko chekusangana kwevanyori muchirongwa chePamberi Trust Creative Writing Working Group. Pachiitiko ichi paiva nevanyori gumi navana avo vaikurukura nemunyori wemabhuku anozivikanwa zvikuru, Shimmer Chinodya. Uwandu hwevanyori vakapinda muchirongwa ichi icho chakatora maawa maviri kubva nateni kusvika panguva dzegumi nembiri masikati hwaiva hwakaenzana pakati pevarume nevakadzi. Musi uyu Chinodya nevanyori vaaitungamirira vakabvumirana kuti vataure pamusoro pesimba rekurangarira pakunyora nyaya, nhetembo kana rungano.
Chinodya anoti chidimbu chepakati nepakati chekunyora nyaya chinobatwa nendangariro dzemunyori. Ndangariro dzemunyori dzinoratidzwa kubudikidza nenguva kana zuva iro mutauri wenyaya atanga kurangarira. Kurangarira uku kunosanganisira nyaya dzehukama huri pakati pemutauri wenyaya nehama, vavakaidzani, nezvakamupoteredza; zvishuviro zvemwoyo, zvakasanganikwa nazvo muhupenyu nezvimwewo zvakangodaro.
Mushure mekutaura kuti muzuva iri vanyori vainge vachizotaura nezvesimba rekurangarira semusimboti wekunyora nyaya, Chinodya akazopa vanyori kuti vanyore nezvemusi wavatanga kurangarira. Vanyori vakabva vanyora musi wavatanga kurangarira apo vaive vachiri vana vaduku, panguva apo vakange vachiyamwa kana apo vaive vava kuchikoro. Mushure vanyori ava vakazoverenga ndangariro dzavo. Mushure mekuverenga ndangariro dzavo, Shimmer akazoverenga nyaya yake pfupi yakanyorwa kubva mundangariro dzemwana muduku inonzi ‘Hofman Street’inowanikwa mubhuku rake rinonzi, ‘Can We Talk' (Baobab Academic Books,1998). Apedza kuverenga nyaya pfupi iyi Chinodya akabva apa vanyori basa rekunyora kanyaya kanoenderana nendangariro dzemumwe nemumwe apo aiva ari mwana muduku. Kanyaya aka kaisafanira kudarika peji imwe. Pakunyora nyaya iyi munyori aifanira kubudisa pachena nguva yakaitika nyaya, izwi remwana muduku, maonero emwana muduku, uye chimwe nechimwe chinhu chakakosha chinoita kuti vaverengi vanakirwe.
Vanyori vapedza kunyora nyaya dzavo vakazoverenga nyaya dzavo dzichivhenyengurwa. Iyi inguva yainakidza chose apo mumwe nemumwe aiverenga nyaya yake vamwe votaura maonero avo. Chinodya akataura pachiitiko ichi achiti uvaranomwe hupenyu uye hupenyu huvaranomwe. Chinodya akati haanyari kunyora nezveupenyu hwake apo anenge achinyora nyaya dzake. Sezvo zvichinzi munyori anofanira kunyora nyaya pamusoro pezvinhu zvaanoziva pamwe nekunzwisisa naizvozvo munyori anonyanya kunzwisisa zvinhu zvakamukomberedza zvinosanganisira iye. Akawedzera achiti, kuti munyori akure anofanira kuverenga. Zvakare anofanira kuverenga vanyori vanoshandisa izwi raanozoda kushandisa mukutaura nyaya dzake. Chinodya anotora kuverenga nekunyora semativi maviri emari yesimbi. Kana divi rimwe risipo, rimwe racho hariwanikwewo.
Kanyaya kari pazasi apo kakabuda pa exercise yekudzidzira kushandisa izwi remwana mukunyora:
Father is beating sister Mary this morning. Mother is crying, ‘Chimuregai kani baba!’ Father continues beating sister Mary. Babamunini Chokuda arrives. Mother tells babamunini Chokuda, ‘Stop your brother before he kills his daughter.’ Babamunini Chokuda laughs. Mother shouts at babamunini Chokuda, ‘Useless man!’ Sister Mary calls at babamunini Chokuda, ‘Babamunini ndofa!’ ‘Do you know death,’ that is father. ‘What is death mother?’ ‘Go away, you are too little to know?’ I run to sekuru Gwanha. Father is always afraid of sekuru Gwanha. Sekuru Gwanha is his father. I am asking sekuru Gwanha, ‘Do you know death?’ Who died? There is death at home. I am running away from death. Sekuru Gwanha is too too old. His wife mbuya Matindindi is also too too old.This little story belongs to T. Muchuri

ZWA is inviting you to its Harare members meeting to be held at the British Council, 16 Cork Road, Belgravia (opposite the South African Embassy) on Saturday September 1, 2012 from 12:00 to 4:30pm.
As requested in the last meeting by some of you, this time the discussion topic is ‘How To Make Money and a Livelihood Through Writing.’ Freelance artists; STEPHEN CHIFUNYISE, ALBERT NYATHI and VIRGINIA JEKANYIKA will be talking about how to earn a living from one’s art.
Those who were not at the last meeting are reminded to bring $10 membership fees. Remember: the major objective of ZWA is to bring together all willing individual writers of Zimbabwe in order to encourage creative writing, reading and publishing in all forms possible, conduct workshops, and provide for literary discussions.
Zimbabwe Writers Association (ZWA) is the newest nationally inclusive writers Organization whose formation started in July 2010 leading to the AGM of June 4, 2011. It was fully registered with the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe in January 2011. Zimbabwean writers have taken the initiative to coordinate themselves to form an organisation to represent them and defend their interests. The birth of ZWA was a culmination of self initiated efforts and activities taken by writers of diverse backgrounds with the vision of developing into a strong and dynamic umbrella organisation for writers in Zimbabwe.
Tinashe Muchuri, ZWA Secretary
0733 843 455/zimbabwewriters@gmail.com
Ingungu Yematojeni
Izwakala kancane
Bucwala, eduze
Endlebeni zami
Ingungu yeMatojeni
Lakwezakho indlebe
Kwakhala nyonini
Awuso sacuthe!
Kanje udla umavimbandlebe.
Abantu beMatojeni bayakhala.
Besabela ingungu.
Uphi okaNyongolo?
Mhlawumbe ubengasesula inyembezi
Sibuhlungu, siyakhala
Sidumazekile, asilathemba
Layo iyatsho
Ingungu yeMatojeni
Amathambo ayakhala
Esabele ingungu ebizayo
Igazi liyabiza
Ingungu yeMatojeni
Ayala ukuphenduka amathambo
Igazi lageleza lingabuthwa
Bucwala iyabiza,iyamemeza amathambo
Lendlebeni zami
Ingungu yeMatojeni
Ngiyayizwa kababa!
Lawe uyayizwa
Izizukulwane ziyayizwa
Labazukulu bezizukulwane bayayizwa
Ingungu yeMatojeni
Zizaduma ezakho indlebe
Umzwangedwa wona
Uma unembeza wakho useselaye!
Ingungu yeMatojeni
Isakhala, isabiza
Ukudideka kwegqondo
Igazi lami
Amathambo ami
Umphefumulo wami
Kuchaphazekile eMatojeni
Kusele- le ingungu ememeza khona
Izwakalela phansi
Eduze,Bucwala endlebeni zami lezakho
Ingungu yeMatojeni
Izaduma kuze kube laphakade
Ivuza igazi lamadodana lamadodakazi
Itshaywa ngamathambo abo
Alele kabuhlungu
Khala ngungu yeMatojeni
Tsitsi Nomsa Ngwenya
Kulemekana kuswiilizyania
Ngu Rev. Jeffrey Muleya
Sunu ngatulange bulyidilano buliwo aakati kabapati abaniini, tulange lubo nzibazijisi na zyeelelwa kuti kaajisi aaya mazyalane obile zikonzya kusumpula bukkale bwesu na twaziziba, twazizumina akuzipa lubuwa mubuponi bwesu.
Muntu ngututi mupati nguulya waba aaminyaka yakuzyalwa myiingi, wakabona zyiingi mubuumi. Wakaligubbula twiingi alubo wakalisongola maamvwa twiingi. Wakalwana nkondo zisiyenesiyene, amakwabbuulwa ngakaba aawo akapona. Luzibo lwakayungizigwa. Abusongo (zyeelede kuba mbuboobo) bwakavula. Luzibo lupati abusongo bwiingi muzyalane eeli zizwa kuli nzitwakaswaanana aazyo akulibonena. Lino muchisi chilimbuuli chaZimbabwe luzibo lwiingi mazuba aano luzwa kubusongo lwazyasayensi. Luzwa kuli nzitwakaswaana teensi lubi pesi alulikke taluzulide pe.
Bachikula minyaka yakuzyalwa kwabo ichili miche. Tazinaavula pe nzibakaswaana mubuumi bwabo. Mulimbabo luzibo luzwa kulinzibakabona akwiinda mulinzizyo luchili aansi pesi oolo ndubajana mumabbuku aachikolo ndulo ndubajisi mubwiingi. Kuli zyasayensi, ziboneka kazichijaana mubweendelo, nzizyo nzifwambaana kujatika kuli bachikula.
Lino na katulanga kumakani aaya kuli nzitubona zibotu zijanika mubapati zitamo pe mubaniini, anzitubona kazili mubaniini pele zitayanzojanikajanika pe mubapati mbuuli zeezi:
Bapati balijisi maanu, nikuba kuti kuli bamwi tuyeelela biyo akupeekezya kuti muzili. Biingi babo (ndaamawuse kuzidombola eezi) bali apenzi biyo lyakutafwambaana kutambula masandu mubuponi. Baladoneeka akunyayilwa zintu zipya nzibatanaazibila. Bapati bayanda kulemekwa kuti tujane antoomwe akunywa maanu kuzwa kukasawu kaluzibo amaanu kakatelekela mubuumi bwabo. “Uuchikula ubona aanga ulizi zyoonse alamuvulila makkwabbulwa mubuumi”.
Bachikula abalabo balijisi lwiiyo, nikuba kuti mubiingi ndwamumabbuku biyo. Baniini balafwambaana kujata zyasayensi akutambula masandu. Bayanda kuswiilizigwa akululamikwa kuti tujanine kuli nzibajisi. “Mupati uusansa bachikula ulasyaalila muzintu zyiingi zili nsandulo mubuumi bwasunu”.
Ndiyanda kugomena nketi, kuti tuzwidilile mubuumi, mumpuli, muzilawu amuzisi aaya mazyalane obile ayeelede kumvwisisyania, kutambulana, kujatana akubelekela aamwi. Ndalumba.
(Pastor Jeffrey Muleya was born on May 10, 1972. He is from the BaTonga tribe and can also speak English, Ndebele, Zulu, Shona, some Nyanja, Bemba, Tswana and Nambya, spoken in most of Central and Southern African countries. He was born again in June 1988 while in Form 2 at a rural school in Binga district, Zimbabwe. Pastor Muleya serves God as a fulltime Pastor under the African Revival {Andrew Wutawunashe World Witness} & Worldwide Family of God Churches. He is a Trustee with Zimbabwe Indigenous Language Promotion Association (ZILPA) Trust and Chairperson of Tonga Language and Culture Committee (TOLACCO). Pastor Muleya is also the Regional Contact person of the Zimbabwe Homeless People of Zimbabwe, Lead Trainer of the Foundation for farming programme, a local (Tonga) language columnist with one of the regional newspapers, uMthunywa, and private newsletters and a consultant on various issues with many organizations, individuals and other establishments. He writes and edit Tonga educational books.)
The Magazine of International Contemporary Writing
The Open University in LondonMan Booker Prize Author
Jeet Thayil longlisted for the 2012 Man Booker Prize
Indian-born poet Jeet Thayil’s first novel Narcopolis has been long listed for the 2012 Man Booker Prize. Jeet Thayil, who was recently interviewed by Siddhartha Bose for Wasafiri’s Issue sixty-nine (Spring 2012), joined the Wasafiri Magazine’s poetry reading event at Cambridge this month as part of South Bank Centre’s Poetry Parnassus celebration. Jeet also read an excerpt from his novel during the reading, which was followed by a book signing.
In this Wasafiri interview, Jeet talks in-depth about Bombay, his literary influences and his decision to write a novel.
Narcopolis, which is set around the Bombay opium den, has been described as written with a feverish and furious necessity.
Visit the Man Booker Prize website for further information.
To purchase any Wasafiri issue or to subscribe to the magazine, email us at Wasafiri@open.ac.uk
Celebrating poetry from around the world
A showcase of 60 poets from around the world who have been published by Wasafiri magazine since 1984
ONLY £3.50!
To purchase a copy contact Wasafiri@open.ac.uk
Featuring poets from Argentina, Australia, The Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Botswana, Canada, The Cook Islands, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Fiji, France, The Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, Grenada, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Russia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tonga, Trinidad, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, USA, Uruguay, Virgin Islands, Zambia and Zimbabwe!
The Magazine of International Contemporary Writing
The Open University in London
1-11 Hawley Crescent
Tel. +44 (0) 20 7556 6110
Fax. +44 (0) 20 7556 6187
Website: www.wasafiri.org
Wakanaka ndazviona
Chimiro chako chidadiso
Runako rwako kuyevedza!
Makomo nenzizi zviri pamwoyo
Masango nezviwanikwa zvoumba rudo
Rwaunopa vazhinji
Ndumurwa dzako mureza tosimudza
Rako zita pamusoro toturika
Kuzvireva kudai manyukunyuku
Wakanaka ndazviona
Upfumi hwemadzinza ako
Kututumira pachipfuva semashonganyika
Zvicherwa zvemhando dzinokosha
Izvo zvipo zvinoera, ah, regai ndinyarare!
Dai wakada ini ndoga
Seruva parutivi ndaikutsveta
Tiriko kumakomo eNyanga
Pasingasvikiki ndokuturika
Munedzangu pfungwa ndopepereka
Dzove shanje kwauri Tsvarakadenga
Hezvo wakada tose
Kubatana nemushandirapamwe
Zvakave zvido zvako zvinoera
Wakanaka mudiwa Zimbabwe
By David Major, Norton
In the next issue: Book Review of the Polygamist
Sue Nyathi, author of The Polygamist
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