The Book Cafe has been a cultural centre for many arts genres and it has supported various artists who today boast of having created a niche for themselves in the hall of talent and fame.
The dates and nature of our literary discussions will be announced in due course. Thanks to the senders of messages inquiring about Win-Zimbabwe. We know it proves hard sometimes to connect with many of you in Harare due to lack of proper office infrastructure but it remains our vision that one day we will get over this hurdle to enable easy visibility. Meanwhile, enjoy our twelfth offering and keep dishing out those inspirational poems and stories.
Beaven Tapureta - Founder & Director (pictured)
Beaven Tapureta - Founder & Director (pictured)
By Beaven Tapureta
By Beaven Tapureta
Award-winning writer, storyteller and gospel poetry musician, Ignatius T Mabasa is a gifted weaver of tales who draws his juice from the Zimbabwean oral tradition.
On February 17 2011 Mabasa gave a tonic presentation on Writers-in-Residence which focused on his experience as the 2010 Writer/Storyteller-in-Residence for the University of Manitoba's Centre for Creative Writing and Oral Culture.
The discussion, attended by various established and upcoming writers from Harare, took place at the Book Cafe.
Interlacing his presentation with stories, Mabasa talked about various issues related to his experience in Canada where he was the successful applicant ahead of more than sixty applications for the same residence from all over the world.
While in Canada, Mabasa said he felt challenged to revisit his notes and reflect on the creative writing process as he found himself faced with a new audience that was enthusiastic about Zimbabwean literature.
"I was invited on various occasions to talk about Zimbabwean writers in classes. I talked about Tsitsi Dangarembga, Dambudzo Marechera, Charles Mungoshi, Yvonne Vera and many other writers that the students had avidly read. This rang some bells in mind as to the need for my fellow writers here in Zimbabwe to read works by other writers," said Mabasa.
He urged local writers to read as much as they can their own literature as the world out there is very much informed about Zimbabwean literature and their inquisitiveness is overwhelming. He said he found budding writers as young as nine years already talking and discussing books in classes and having dreams about wanting to be writers, a contrasting scenario with that of Zimbabwe where schools have belittled creative writing and literature.
"There are no enough books for young readers in our country. The foundation is lacking. Writing as a trade needs support at a tender age," said the veteran storyteller, adding that writers' organisations should look into this matter.
The residence was a time for refreshing far from home, family and job for Mabasa.
"I bought new books, had time to read, time to catch up. I received submissions from students who wanted their manuscripts to be assessed," narrated Mabasa.
During the discussion, Mabasa proved his mettle when he recited exciting stories which had animal characters with an exceptional appeal to children and adults alike.
Mabasa, who will be going to the USA some time in the near future for a Storytelling Festival, also said he was an ambassador for Zimbabwe while in Canada as he had to answer some general questions about Zimbabwe.
"The people are smiling, despite challenges, I told them," said Mabasa.
The discussion had to be extended a little as debates were ignited around issues having to do with the local publishing industry and the deplorable book buying culture.
Ignatius Mabasa is the author of two Shona novels, Mapenzi and Ndafa Here? and a children's book titled The Man, Shaggy Leopard and The Jackal. He said he started two novels while in Canada. He has produced two soothing gospel poetry albums and currently lives in Harare with his family.
This is another opportunity to make you smile. Jungle Jim Fiction Magazine (Summer 2011) is the right channel to let your works be known to many readers.
Here are more details from the editor's brief.
Jungle Jim is a new bimonthly pulp magazine featuring contemporary South African fiction; original genre-based short stories, serializations and graphic fiction. The emphasis will be on an affordable, visually arresting and frequently published collection of fiction that is widely available. For the time being, we can't offer remuneration for selected works - until the time comes when we can, we are rather looking for writers who need a popular outlet for their work and are excited about creating a new local fiction precedent. We are looking for original fiction in any language that falls into one of the following formats: Short story - no longer than 6 pages maximum, short short stories - no longer than 3 pages maximum, serialised stories that lend themselves to no more than 6 installments, true life confessionals - a non-fiction, recorded & transcribed recollection of any extraordinary account, eg. alien abduction, demonic possession or near death experience, writing that is exceedingly visual and explores what is exotic in new worlds and in our own.
Although the deadline for the first edition is 25 February, the magazine editor said works are accepted throughout the year.
For more information contact Jenna Cato Bass, email
Gratitude to my Friend
I might never find the chance to unleash my gratitude
My silence can be a great noise if I forget to say thank you
Now is the moment to thank you for the love you showered upon me
You were always there for me when the burden was too heavy
I faced many sorrows
And you were right there to put a smile on my face
I saw many dark clouds
But you provided a rainbow to help me forget about the clouds
I cried as if that was my hobby
And your shoulder was always there to provide comfort as I poured my
Heart out
You sang for me as a form of consolation
And I assure that all your efforts did not fall on a skeleton that does not
Have feelings
I might procrastinate and tomorrow may never come
So this day as I live , I thank you my friend
Thank you for the unconditional love you gave me
For the smiles you thrust on my face
I thank you
For the rainbow you took from the sky placing it where I could touch it
I salute you
For providing a shoulder when my eyes were tear infested
I adore you
I might never find the chance to thank you
Therefore now is the time to thank you for your love
Your efforts did not go unnoticed and for that
I thank you!
Sympathy Ngwenya Sibanda (adapted from her debut anthology Matters of Life, 2009)
Sympathy Ngwenya Sibanda (adapted from her debut anthology Matters of Life, 2009)
Surely Zim is rich,My sister that lovely.Waiting for more matters from you.Thank you for thanking us let me also thank you for thanking me because i got the time to thank you.
ReplyDeleteI heard about this gentleman they called Beaven but did not understand until one day when i had an encounter with him.Now I understand.You are an inpiration not just to me but many,your love for the field and passion is beyond the skies.I see WINZIM making a difference,unknown people have been discovered and you are making a difference.Let the vision not die.We will support you in the vision we will be with you.the good thing about your works is that even after 100years your voive will still be speaking.Speak out my brother .