Registered under the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe

Her Story of Prudence


Poems and reflections in memory of our fellow writer Prudence Madzadzavara, who died early November, 2018

The late motivational author Prudence ‘Gold’ Madzadzavara


Losing a fellow writer leaves us in great pain and it was indeed a sad moment for us as a writing family when Prudence Madzadzavara died last year in November. We lost one of us but we are comforted by the belief that writers never die. She was and still remains an inspiration to everyone who shall come across her written words. The late Madzadzavara is the author of the motivational book Becoming the Best Version of You (Media Essentials, 2018). She was a young woman who had a lot to give to the world. Indeed, ‘she was an enthusiastic Certified Life Coach, Leadership Trainer, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, an energetic author and blogger’ whose love for young people was great. Madzadzavara led the My Sisters Keeper Institute that helped young women in making critical decisions and inspired them in their career and personal development. She founded the organization with a vision to remind women ‘that they can be proactive, positive, and be instrumental in economically developing their societies. She was an active member of the International Toastmasters Community and the International Rotary Family.
“Her Story of Prudence” is a collection of heartfelt tributes to the late multi-skilled Prudence Madzadzavara. The tributes were collected for publication here on our blog from the Winzim Super-Classic Whatsapp platform. The manner in which her life was taken away shocked friends and relatives. Here are poems, reflections that chide the criminals who ended her life in brutal murder, tributes not only mourning but also celebrating her writerly brevity and impact she had on writing friends’ lives. She shall always be remembered as an inspiration to friends and relatives. She has left us her wisdom packed in a book, a timeless gift. May her soul rest in peace - WINZ Admin

The front cover of Becoming the Best Version of You


Nhaiwe Prudence sahwira,
Kutisvara here pamapendekete,
Kwakukwira kumanhenga-nhenga,
Ikoko kunomhara shiri dzoga
Idi watisiira chitsvambe

Nhaiwe Prudence sahwira,
Kuraira here mafambirwo erwendo rweupenyu,
Kuvhura edu meso kuti tione kure
Tatsinzinira tuziso
Toona kuyevedza kwekunosvika munongedzo wako
Rwako rupenyu rwabva rwagurwa negurwe
Wakatisiira chitsvambe
Nhaiwe Prudence sahwira
Waenda kusingadzokwi
Asi watisiira mbuva isingawore
Patichaona wako mufananidzo
Tichiverenga wako muono wakadzama
Uchitivhura meso
Nekutipa simba kana mongo worera
Nemumvuri wekuenda kwako uchitiudza pasi idandaro
Wakatisiira chitsvambe

Prudence sahwira
Famba zvakanaka munyori
Wakarwa hondo huru
Yekudzima rima mundangariro dzevapenyu
Afamba murima ave mazvokuda
Hakuna anoverengera avete
Wakatisiira chitsvambe

Na Tamutswa Muzana Kundidzora


She was a banker. She looked for me so that she can give me her book titled Becoming The Best Version of Yourself. She found me at the corner of Inez Terrez and Nelson Mandela Avenue. I had not met her before. She had heard of me through Coach James Nyamajiwa. She was a good person to listen to, knowledgeable in her approach to any subject you can pick. I liked her character on that very first day I saw her. I liked her determination to change the world. I received her book and promised to talk to her about the book. She was soft-spoken but firm in spirit. I am touched that men would commit such a heinous crime on such a good lady. May her soul rest in eternal peace, knowing certain that she left a treasure for generations to come. Thank you for being such a motivating fellow writer.  

By Tinashe Muchuri


Rakaerera ropa
Ropa risina kana mhaka
Serinobuda pachitubu
Richiita kudhubhuka

Rakaerera ropa
Ivo zvavo vachitoseka
Muneyavo moyo vachinyemwerera
Kuita sezvinonzi vaiona nyama
Nyama yemhuka
Izvo kwani, umhondi hwakavapfeka
Seiko ivo Nyadenga
Zvakadai vakazvitendera?
Yaiva yavo here nzira
Yekumutora nayo uyu mwanasikana?

Nyangwe dzirikupishana pfungwa
Mumoyo musina dzikamo
Wangu muromo ndavakungopfiga
Zorora murugare Prudence
Watungamira isu tichatevera
Asi regerera mhondi idzi
Wako mweya uwane rudekaro
Richasvika iro zuva
Nyadenga vachadziranga

Na Cairo  Muserukwa


Version of you
Is becoming the best

The best version
Is becoming of you

The becoming version,
Is the best of you

Is the Best

By Pumulani ‘Reader’ Chipandambira


Prudence, wadzadzavara
Hutu waenda, uko tisingachakuonizve.
Taiti uri weduzve
Taiti tichamboti tambe tambe,
Asi iwe wakarangana naZame,
Ukati hecho chisveru, hecho chitsvambe kunesu vapenyu,
Waita chihwande hwande, ndiye hwa seri kwerufu,
Achakuona ndiani?
Achataura newe ndiani?
Kuna mai tonorondedzera tichitiiko?
Kuna baba tinoti wadyiwa neiko?
Irima here, ihwindimukwindingwi here rakakushumba?
Wakadyiwa nei wehama, zvawadzadzavira, muchisango siye wanzi pfonye?
Prudence, kuzosiya mutumbi usina upenyu?
Ndianiko makara anoruta aya kudaro?
Wadarireiko kudzadzavara kundovanda pako wega?

Waenda hako asi mumvuri wako tinouona
Tichave izvo zvawakareva,
Nesu tisati tadzadzavara.

Na Chenjerai Mhondera


Ndakataura newe zuva rimwe
Wakandiona mazuva maviri
Musi uya pa Innov8
Riya zuva Maduwa achitura Nuggets of Success
Wakatapirwa namashoko ukasandidenha
Musi wawatura rako Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself  ndaisavapo
Mukunyengerana naCoach James wakandivhima
Ukandiwana manheru omusi uya paHarare Main Post Office
Prudence wakandiziva ini ndichikuona kwekutanga
Wakandiyeuka nenduri ‘Chigaro’ yandakandura riya zuva pachoto chaMaduwa
Tikaseka, tichitaura zhinji mukunyora
Nyaya huru yawakareva ndeyekushandisa nguva
Uchiti nguva haisi yedu ine mwene
Shoma yatapungurirwa iyeyo ngatiishandise nomazvo
Kusiya matsimba nongedzo kune vachatevera
Mazita asife kune vachauya
Hwaro kuvavaki vamangwana
Mashoko matekenyedzi, mavhurameso, mapanganjere
Handikanganwi nyemwerero yako
Uchitaura zvekushanda nemari
Asi ukareva shoko regodo
Revasingadi kuona mudiki ane dzakatesva
Akanda mbeu inotutuma njere
Zviya wainotaura kuJCI
Uchiti wakagadzirira ngandure yamashoko
Muawa imwe takazavaza
Chitsvambe ndini ndakachitsvura
Sare ndirimo mumhindo nenguva
Kutsvanzvadzira kutsvaka mashoko
Ndisvitse bemberera rako uko nekokoko
Pasazowana anoti handina kurihwa nenguva
Kana kuti harina kusvika nenguva
Nekuti iwe waiziva nguva
Ukaishandisa nguva zita ukatisiira marambakuora
Nhasi tinaro, wakati pamberi pedu dzadzavara
Famba rwendo uchiziva
Wakasiya nhaka Prudence
Hauna kutisiira mutoro
Watisiira mudonzvo
Kana kufamba korema tinodonzvesa
Watisiira mwenje
Kana rima ratifukatira tobatidza
Famba zvako
Famba Prudence
Ndiri mudzidzi mumazwi azere njere
Awakapa pasi nekuzara kwaro.

Na Tinashe Muchuri


You've gone too fast
In the cold night of that day

They dragged you through sinners' gates
They were merchants of death
Wrestling against your spirit
Troubling your soul
They hurried your departure
They've made us cry
Our hearts heavy, we are wounded

But why?
That question,
That sorrowful question
The regret it carries

Prudence, we gather in deep sorrow
We grieve with no relief
We can't sigh, bereaved as we are

By Chenjerai Mhondera


A loss to the writing world
A loss to the banking world
A loss to the coaching world
A loss to too many worlds

A life realised but not lived long
A life so eventful but short
A talent deposited
Realised but not lived long

We all know
One day we shall depart this world
You knew one day you would depart this world
But never in that brutal manner

A brutal way of departing
Leaving us with a dusty cloud of questions
Too many questions without answers
Our tears will wash away the dust
But not the memories, the pain
The Lord above the starry spheres
The Lord who deposited in you
The creative talent
Wanted to make you his sword
To shape humanity through your creative works
He wanted you to live longer than this
And therefore we cannot say
It was His wish
That you die in that horrendous way
He is the Lord of war, the Lord of Justice
We leave everything to Him

Writers, like other artists, don’t die
Through your works
Created in your isolated streams of thoughts
You will always be talking to us
Helping us to become
The best versions of ourselves
With a peaceful and sensitive soul
That we know immortalizes a writer
We say rest in peace Prudence

By Tendai Chinhoro


For a while I thought I saw the moon
Why too soon?
It doesn't make sense
Because it’s still noon
Gone too soon,
Like sunset at noon
Like a bright rose,
You rose.
You chose to inspire all those
Who choose not to pause
In the pursuit of their dreams
But the sun chose otherwise
You are gone too soon.

This is surely sunset at noon.
Fears and tears,
Is all we harvest
Your legacy , we shall cherish,
For it will never perish
With prudence and reverence , we shall build long lasting perseverance.

Goon too soon,
Like sunset at noon
Rest in peace fellow comrade Prudence

By Petros William Theu


Kufa kuri panyama,
Chanyorwa chinorarama,
Wafa panyama mwanawe,
Muzvinyorwa zvako tiri kutandadzana.

Na Oscar Gwiriri


I never saw you as you lived                    
Neither did I ever hear the crackle of you voice.                  
I never saw the size of your shoes            
Nor did I ever know when you were hungry.                                            
All I ever saw of you  were the photographs             
And all I heard was the noise from your writing pad.                                     
 Yet your footprints entice me and indeed the world,    
Each and everyone of us trying them for size                      
Or seized by the curiosity of where they truly lead.        
And your silent words are a food so nourishing,                
Enough to see us well fed till the end.                                               
And now I know i knew you very well   
From what stemmed from the top of your head                 
To the incredible imprints of your toes.                                         
You were one of the most beautiful people who ever lived,                         
Your voice was mistakable even from that great distance.                   
You had two of the largest feet for anyone to ever fill   
And your kind heart ached whenever even I too starved.                                                      
Rest in peace dear Prudence,                 
Thank you so much for all your discretion                  
Some of us are full of life today            
Only because of what people like you breathed to us.

By Cliff Lunga   


Toikwetsura mhere povo!
Misodzi yoti more more yakananga pamuromo
Mukanwa movavira nokunwa mvura ine munyu
Kusiiwa here pasina ruonekedzo ini ndarwadziwa.
Kusaonekedzwa naPrudence Madzadzavara, ini ndabatikana
Hazvina hazvo mhaka
Yadeuka yadeuka tingachaidyora sei zvairi mvura yomugwande
Ndiko kuronga kwaMusiki kubva zvatakadarika murawo wake
Kuti tose tichaita mudungwe rongondo senjekete takanangako
Kunangako kure kure kusina ani ungatsanangudza.
Ndazviona ini kuti pasi rino raipa
Vanhu dzave mhandu!
Mvemvi zvadzo !
Kutsvukira kunze seguyu  mukati riri dambiro ramasvosve
Manomano echakata kutsvukira mumuti kunzi ndipotserwe
Ndivo vanamuparanzvongo vatsakatisa Prudence Madzadzavara
Nhasi taungudza misoro yave kutema
Yave nhamburiko nyama yomusori hairumikwi
Aamangongomera mupasha wapfura musoro
Ndarwadziwa ini!
Vasati vadzimirwa nechibani choupenyu hero shoko
‘Mombe yenzenzi sungira!’
Wokuvimba naye ndiye Zame woga
Chikakarara chinovhumbatira misi nonguva
Hombahomba isina mutakati anoti pwe-e.
Ndarwadziwa ini!
Zorora murugare Prudence.

Na Prosper Njeke


A woman of valour
 A visionary
A champion
A game changer
A life changer
A mentor
A role model
A life coach
You were all of it

I saw you
I met you
Once or twice
But you had that special aura
That feels like I had known you forever
The best you did
 Was remembering  humanity
You found my Sister’s Keeper
Indeed you were our keeper
You thought of how we all long to be
Our best
And motivated us in your book
‘Becoming the best version of yourself’

We still wanted to drink more from your cistern
But the cruel world devoured you
We are all left wondering
Who ended your dear life?
Why did they do so?
We all  mourn deeply
Seeking justice to prevail
You shall forever be remembered
Prudence, may your soul rest in eternal peace

By Tabeth Ruvarashe Manyonga


Rwakakuvinga urivere mwanasikana
Rwakakuvinga mutemarege wembada.
Ndokusiya ako meno arumevhu kani.
Vagoni vakakuendera nekumafura mhepo.

Ko iwe wakanga wanyanyopareiko nhai?
lngadzimwe mhosva dzinotangwa dzagarwa dare?
Kana yemuranda inotongwa aripo wani.
Toti zvine chinodaro mukwasha kupfigirisa mbudzi naVambuya.

Midzimu naYave vakasiya suwo rakati bherengende.
Muvengi ndokuti pfumo vhovhono.
Vhovhono ndiye pachififiro bvo-o.
Ndokukusiya mwene wati fototo.

Vagonhi vakakusaidzira mumatare okumusoro.
Chipfunya chisero uti vhuruvata muaya matare.
Matare anonzvera itsvo nemoyo.
Matare asingaregi ibwe pamusoro perimwe ibwe.

Misodzi yedu ndiyo fakazi kuna Zame.
Rwako rufu rwakatityora hona.
Moyo yedu yode kuputika neshungu.
Wakasiya mhodzi nyoro mudende reNganonyorwa.
Mwari atinyaradze pamwe neyako mhuri.

Na Rodgers Watungwa 


They told me of your going
Yet I saw you coming
To create the best out of us

I was even there
At the church service for you
A day before they went to lay you in peace
Among the queens of Great Zimbabwe

I was there
With my notebook
A copy of your book
A bunch of flowers in tributes from friends
To read them out & celebrate your prudence

On that sunny day at the last service
You did not say it loud
But you did whisper it
In your eternal sleep
“Go and tell them. It’s their gift. I am gone.”

By Beaven Tapureta


Chimhandara, edu matundundu akagarwe nedikitiki rehasha.                    
Mapopoma yemisodzi yopopoma pane edu matama.       
Meso edu toizungudza tadzungaidzwa neidzi mhondi,    
Nyoka dzinoruma chadzisingadyi.                                  
Chawakatadza zvotoda nyadenga.

Muka mwanasikana uvapfekedze marengenya semadzengeya.
Vabvise chirikumeso mwanasikana.
Ramba kurova sebete mumukaka hama.
Muka muka urwise mwanasikana.

Vasiye dzava hwapura Puru.
Pfuma yavo yose tsvaira.
Kana dziri mombe danga ngarisare ndove  chete.
Chavakakupondera ngavachidembe.
Ndati muka urwise mwanasikana.

Na T Nyamvura


Sorrowful is my pen
That penned this poem
My pen cries most
I am the most bereaved villager.

Robbed of a robust voice,
 The world will miss you
And your loaded prudence

My pen cries most
I am the most bereaved villager.

A legacy you left,
A heritage of prosperity for posterity,
Loaded with prudence

My pen cries most
I am the most bereaved villager.

Streams of tears
I have shed but
Your prudent pen I will inherit.

My pen cries most
I am the most bereaved villager.

By Greyton K. Muzangaza


The songs we sang
The vibes we all initiated
The rhythms that used to quake us
The highs and lows we shared as pen buddies
Yet you are no more to hold your pen.

Burdened with sorrow is a nation you used to coach
Bleeding with grief is the pen you used to hug
Mourning are the pen-bees you left
Dry are these papyrus papers,
As the ink that once frequently smeared it is no more

Crying are those in far lands
They too tasted your good deeds
Vivid and lively are the memories
Their hearts shall hold.

Our tears aren't enough
As we look at those creased pages you left
Words said may not be enough
To celebrate a pen-hero of ours

O Prudence
Your brave soul
In peace may it rest

By Beloved Maridzanyere


Mwana uyu anga akanakira svoto
Chero pataiita mabasa ekunyora
Taikwenyana tichiti, "Heyo ngirozi!”
Kunoti penengu zvaanyora
Ukabata bhuku rake hawairisiya sechitupa
Nenyaya yezvitapi dongo zvaairudurura
Zvoti nyambo dzake dzaisetsa mbavha mugudzururu
Mashoko ake aitendeutsa vafundisi vanochiva

Dzimwe nguva munogona makasangana nengirozi iyi mukufamba
Ndiye uya mwana akange ari mutsvuku
Akange ane ganda remvura
Bvudzi rake rakange riri hwerera
Raigara richimutsvaira seri kwemusana wake

Asi nhasi dzvaa hwaaa mwana aenda
Chokwadi munhu akanaka haararame
Mwana uyu mabasa ake aiva akanaka
Asi waitsamwa semhungu ukamugumbura
Munhu akange asingade kujairirwa
Ichi chaive chitsidzo chake kusvika murufu
Akaenda zvake hama yedu
Zorora hako chibwe chitedza chisina hwiriko
Ndirikukufunga izvezvi….

Na Farai Batsirai Manguvo 


She had this imposing authority cemented by delivery. Her name got inscribed with impact on my wall when I met her at Toastmasters. Thereafter, it became a habit of meeting at events we both were actively involved our Life Coaching and writing business. Prudence was a firebrand who lived true to herself. She became the best version of herself. Her life is an example of impact a coach can make. When she launched her book Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself I was one of the photographers as is my custom. I took quite a number of pictures of the event. Later that week, she came to pick them and encouraged me to continue pursuing my dream. Had I known that these meetings we had in line of our work were her goodbyes, I would have gleaned all I could from her wisdom. Prudence Madzadzavara inscribed her gift in our hearts. She was the best version of herself. I remember the day, November 4, when she delivered a fantastic presentation. The way she sold Toastmasters to the University Coaches was great. The passion she exuded was so contagious that the news of her passing to another world came like a lightning bolt. It pierced into the hearts of many. Zimbabwe lost a giant, whose life had just been stopped by these gruesome murderers. We know we will all graduate to this land but yours was a hailstorm in the midst of winter. We take solace in the gifts you left us which will live to posterity. Thank you for becoming the best version of yourself. The best inscription we can put on your epitaph  is that of becoming the best version of ourselves.

By Coach James T Nyamajiwa


Who are these cowards?
Who are these bloody morons?
Who, like lions in the dark jungle stalked and plotted evil against you.
Like beasts thirsting for blood they ripped you apart
And plunged their teeth in your flesh.

You can't end life, you murderer,
Only the earthly living has taken a break, but life itself continues.
You can't stop the journey Prudence had set to travel with us
We still have many miles to travel with her through her writings.
You can't silence the voice of Prudence, you devils!
We can still hear her voice whispering to us
Telling us to become the best version of ourselves.

Yelling and shouting she was strangled to death
Kicking and fighting she was thrown off the moving car.
Bluffing and panicking the cowards sped off!

Death tried to rob you of life
Yet it couldn't because your spirit is forever living.
They tried to usurp your zeal
And deprive you of the great message you had
But they can’t, for what you had given it already
Now they are trying to silence your silence
And still they can’t!
As your undying spirit still whispers…

By Wellington Mudhluri

“We will always remember you.”

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