the successful launch of her second novel All Come To Dust (Amabooks, 202o) in
Bulawayo late last year, author Bryony Rheam came to Harare for another launch and
book signing ceremony on April 21 and 22. Her first book is titled This
September Sun (Amabooks, 2009). In an exclusive interview with Beaven Tapureta
(BT), Bryony Rheam (BR) reflects on her teenage years and how they contributed
to the writer she is today.
BT: What
were you like as a teenager?
BR: I was
very shy as a teenager. I found it hard to mix in large groups. I was perhaps a
bit over-sensitive and enjoyed things like reading and writing poetry. I wanted
to be a writer, but also considered journalism and remedial teaching.
BT: Where
did you live at that time and which schools were you attending?
BR: Until
I was 15 we lived at How Mine, 30kms outside of Bulawayo. Then we moved into
Bulawayo. I went to Girls' College.
BT: Did
you have an idea that you have a special writing talent? How did you make the
discovery? Do you have memories of
whatever you tried to scribble during that time?
BR: I have
always wanted to write and English was the only subject I did well in at
school. Some of my teachers were very encouraging. When it came to
competitions, however, I didn't often do that well. That only came later on.
BT: How
did your parents respond to your growing writing skills?
BR: My
parents, Jon and Fay, were always very encouraging. My mum would make me
rewrite anything she thought could be better. She always used to say I could be
anything I wanted if I put my mind to it.
BT: Have
you ever tried writing poetry or plays? If not, why?
BR: I used
to write terrible poetry! It was very dramatic and usually about things I had
never experienced. My stories were much better. I liked having a twist in the
BT: Who
was the greatest influence in your life at this time?
BR: My
mother was a very strong influence on me. She never thought wanting to be a
writer was a stupid idea.
BT: Which
books were you reading or which ones did you like most?
enjoyed reading literature at school. I liked examining novels in depth and
discussing them. Animal Farm was one
of my favourites. I also liked Virginia Woolf and Doris Lessing.
BT: What were
your favourite hobbies or sports?
BR: At
school, I enjoyed cross country, but besides that, I was never a great sports
person. I never liked team sports. I think that's why I enjoyed running: it's
just you.
Looking back, do you think your teen years played a part in modelling the
writer you are today?
BR: Yes, I
do feel those years helped shape me. I have always been a bit of an outsider
and I think all writers are outsiders. I was over-sensitive and I lacked
confidence. All that helped me feel life in a very raw way. It was that emotion
that I put into This September Sun.
Mimi Machakaire
Is 2021 The Future?
years as youth, we imagined flying cars to be a sign of the future or any
technology that is beyond our wildest dreams like those we saw in cartoons such
as The Jetsons. While some technology has met our expectations such as robots
that look close to humans, we still see some aspects of life that appear very
ordinary. Which begs the question, is the year 2021 the arrival of the future?
Let us not forget that we are also living in a world
pandemic, which has majority of us still indoors. So, while we are somewhat
grateful for the Coronavirus vaccine roll out plan that has begun its distributions
in several countries, it has become apparent to us that there may be no cure
for a long time before we see the end of this deadly disease. However, this
does not justify the fact that some, if not most artists including writers, are
struggling to make ends meet especially since the start of the pandemic.
Part of the idea that we
are living in futuristic times is that by now, we are all successful in one way
or another, especially for those who have been working since their young age.
Yet some youth, artists and the like, have been applying for what is called an
artist relief fund from their various governments or other supporters. What it means is that artists can apply for
any interim financial assistance (up to $15,000, standard award is
$5,000) or according to the currency of one’s country. This may be for some
unforeseen circumstances and it is a one-time assistance for a specific
emergency. This does not cover dental, chronic conditions, or art
times artists receive it, usually visual artists, in some cases restricted to painters, printmakers, and
sculptors who are in a mature phase of their career and/or have been working
for at least 10 years in their field. While social distancing and lockdowns are
the right moves to protect the health of our communities, the complete picture
of the financial repercussions are still unknown. With cancelled exhibitions,
classes, conferences and workshops over the span of a very short time, many
artists are feeling the stress of lost income and an uncertain future.
In the face of the
unknown, artists have unsurprisingly gotten creative about how they are
changing their artistic practice. However many are finding that they may need
additional financial resources to get through this hard time and are seeking
emergency grants available for artists.
Therefore, this means
that there are many other arts organizations right now who have compiled a list
of emergency resources for artists as well an ongoing list of crowd funding
efforts to provide financial relief for artists. While it is good news that
some governments and organizations are attempting to help their artists in
their community, we never dreamed that the future would be this way in the
first place. However, despite all odds, we must as youth and artists alike keep
pushing because this is not the end but rather just a setback.
While some are struggling
and some are not, it is hard to determine how one’s future will eventually turn
out but what we must do is have hope and live in the present and even more so,
take it a day at a time. This is because if we continue living in the fear of
the unknown then we will forever drown working just to pay the bills. As one
once said, to
live a creative life we must first lose the fear of being wrong.
With so much pressure to
succeed, to win and to be permanently right, it is an invigorating and
refreshing thing not to fear failure. There is nothing wrong with being wrong,
except being frightened of it. We fail so that we learn. This knowledge and
understanding develops us as creatives (and our writing) so that with every
mistake we become more experienced and more adept.
Our lives depend on these
mistakes. They humble us so that we do not overreach ourselves. They teach us
so that we become wiser. They show us that when things go wrong, we need only
pick ourselves up and write about it or re-create it into any form in order to
carry on. Therefore, the year 2021 may not necessarily mean that the future is
here but rather a continuation of one’s life journey.
NaTinashe Muchuri
zvinotendwa. Zvakanaka zvinopururudzirwa, zvinoroverwa maoko pamwe nokuridzirwa
miridzo. Varongi veNational Arts Merit Awards (NAMA) mugore rapfuura vakati
nokuda kwekuti vadavadi vakati wandei vakange vavharidzirwa nekuda kwechirwere
cherudzibwamupengo cheCOVID-19, hazvaibvira kuti varongedze ruremekedzo
rwevadadi rweNAMA rwuya rwunotarisa mabasa avadavadi vachiri kudavadika mundima
dzohudavadi dzakasiyana siyana. Nokudaro vakasarudza kuremekedza hwereshenga,
shangwiti, zvidza zvevadavadi vakasimudzira ndima yehudavadi pamwe
nekuvakurudza nekusimbaradza vamwe vadavadi avo vanodaidzwa kuti Legends
mutambo wekusarudzwa, panosara mavende mazhinji mukuvona kwevaya vasingasarudzi
vachitendeka kuti apo neapo sei pamira kuti kana kuti uyo nouyo sei apinda
pahwereshenga iye ano mukaka pamhuno kana kuti sei ngana nangana azovapo iye
asi mudzidzisi wake akaita ave nomukurumbira asipo. Ndizvo zvinoita chero pane
makwikwi chaiwo, unohwa porehwa nyaya yekuti paitwa tsvete kana kuti pane
vavhara ziso pakusarudza ndokuita sevasingaoni akakodzera vachikanda
hombe yakasimuka yaiva yokuti zvino zvakwamisikidzwa hwereshenga makumi mana
mhenyu dzinotakanyika, ko idzo hwereshenga dzakatisiya dzicharemekedzwawo
riini? Ko, ihwo huwandu uhu zvawaiswa pamakumi mana bedzi, ko dzimwe
hwereshenga dzinokodzera dzichaitwa sei? Hazvisi zvaita kuti basa rakanaka rive
musiyapaduku here? Mazita akawanda akapotserwa zvikuru, kumi,hanzi mazita
akaita seana Jeys Marabhini, Leonard Zhakata, Jonah Moyo, Machanic Manyeruke,
Charles Charamba navamwe vakawandawanda vakadomwa kunzi vasiirwei; kuvatambi
vekuedzesera upenyu mudariro kukabudawo mazita akaita seana Robert MaClaren,
Ben Sibenke, Daniel Maposa, Kubi Chaza –Indi nevamwe vazhinji; kuvanyori
kwakanzi kwasara mazita akaita seNaison Tfwala, Thompson Kumbirai Tsodzo, Giles
Kuimba navamwe vavo. Hakuna bazi rehudavadi risina kuchemachema kusanganisira revadavadi
vezvinoonekwa avo vaitiwo hwereshenga inenge Bester Kanyama mutori
wemufananidzo wembiri akanyorwa nezvake mubhuku raPetina Gappah rinonzi Book of
Memory sei asina kupindawo.
izvi zvataurwa zvikapera, mhepo yebopoto yaterama, mavhungwa adzikama
panoonekwa kuti donzvo rename idonzvo rakanaka chose. Hwereshenga dzavadavadi
dzinofanira kuremekedzwa dziri mhenyu. Asi hadzifaniri kungoremekedzwa nokupiwa
ruremekedzo rweNAMA basi. Kune nzira zhinji idzo dzingaita kuti vadavadi
vaonekwe vachiremekedzwa vachiri vapenyu zvichiita kuti hupenyu hwavo huendeke
uye hufambire mberi zvakanaka. Nzira yekutanga ndeyekuita kuti kuderedzwe
mabasa enhusvuri dzaparadza raramo yevadavadi nenzira yekukoponora mabasa
evadavadi dzichizviunganidzira upfumi husingawanikwi nevaridzi vakakodzera.
Nhusvuri imbavha dzinobira vadavadi pfuma yavo izvo zvinoita kuti vadavadi
vagare vachichema pfuma yavo ichibiwa nenhusvuri idzi. Pose panofamba vadavadi
mumigwagwa vanoona nziyo dzavo, mafirimu avo pamwe nemabhuku zvakawaridzwa mumigwagwa
zvichitengeserwa vanhu nembavha idzi. Hazvina kushata kupa vadavadi ava
ruremekedzo rweNAMA vari vapenyu, asi ruremekedzo urwu ngaruuye kavanhu vane
kudya kwavo kunovaringana. Hwereshenga zhinji dzakaremekedzwa paNAMA iyi
dzinoratidza kuti zvino dzava kubatwa nezvikotamo, zvinova zvirwere zvinouya
nokukura kwavanhu muupenyu. Munhu kana akura kudai, anosangana nourwere hwakati
wandei uhwo hunenge huchida mari, zvino mabasa avadavadi zvaasingachapi mari
kudai, achibiwa nenhusvuri, idzo hwereshenga dzoudavadi idzi dzingaitirweivo
kuitira kuti hutano hwadzo huenderere mberi zvakanaka? Iyi imwe nyaya
inoburitsawo kuremekedzwa kwehwereshenga dzavadavadi idzi. Nguva zhinji
zvinoonekwa kuti panoshaya vadavadi, hama neshamwari dzinotanga kuita mudeme
mudeme kuti basa rokuradzikwa kwavo rifambe zvakanaka, vamwe vachivatuka kuti
havana kurongeka, vamwe vachiti vapfachura mari, asi ukanyatsotarira mamirire
ehupfumi munyika pamwe nokubirwa kwavadavadi nenhusvuri idzo dzinoita kunge
gwatakwata ramhara mumunda hwezviyo risina anodzinga kwaita kuti vadavadi
vashungurudzike pamuraramiro wavo. Zvikazoti nekuuya kwaita chirwere
cherudzibwamupengo cheCOVID-19, matambudziko acho atonyanyisa. Zvichida,
Katsekere anogonawo kupa nzvimbo dzokuti vadavadi vaitewo misika yekutengesera
zvigadzirwa zvavo kuitira kuti nhusvuri dzishayewo mukana wekubira vadavadi
zvakare tadzoka panhau yekuremekedzwa kwehwereshenga neNAMA kuti paya
pavaimboremekedza uyo anenge abata basa zvinoshamisa kwehupenyu hwese
neruremekedzo rweLifetime Achievement vanofanirawo kuwedzera chimwe chikamu
cheLiving Legends muchikamu chimwe nechimwe chezvikamu zveruremekedzo rweNAMA.
Izvi zvinopa mukana vaya vamwe vakasara paruremekedzo rwevanhu makumi mana
akaitwa gore rino zvakonzerwa nechigwere cherudzibwamupengo cheCOVID-19.
pahwereshenga dzakadomwa idzi ndezvekuti pane vanyori vakati wandei izvo
zvinoita kuti sevanyori tihwe kufara chose. Vanyori vanhu vane zvipo
zvehudavadi hunobatanidza ndima dzakawanda. Unogona kuwana munyori achinyora,
achitamba mitambo yekuedzesera, ari zvakare mugadziri wemafirimu uku ari muimbi
zvakare. Munyori akaita saAaron Chiundura Moyo, Albert Nyathi, Chirikure
Chirikure, Barbra Makhalisa- Nkala, Tsitsi Dangarembwa, Shimmer Chinodya,
Musaemura Zimunya namwe vanowanikwa vachibata mabasa ehudavadi akawanda izvo
zvinovapa kushanda nokubatsira vadavadi vakawandisa. Zvinofadza kuona vamwe
vevanhu vakativeza uye vanoramba vachiveza vamwe vanyori vatsva vachipiwa
ruremekedzo rwakadai. Izvi zvinoratidza kuti varongi veruremekedzo
rwehwereshenga rweNAMA havana kungonongeredza vadavadi asi kuti vakaita
tsvangurudzo yakasimba ndokuona hwereshenga dzakasimba pahudavadi hwadzo.
varongi veNAMA vatorawo mukana iwoyu kuti vabudise chinyorwa chakabatana
pamusoro pehwereshenga makumi mana idzi icho chinozoiswawo munzvimbo
yakachengetedzwa kuitira kuwanisa vachauya nevatsvagurudzi ruzivo rwekushandisa
mutsvagurudzo dzavo dzeudavadi nevadavadi.
hama dzinodikanwa. Kunyora kwakanaka. Kunyora kunopa upenyu kuvanyori
nevanosangana nebasa ravanyori. Zvakanakawo zvakare kuverenga muchinyora
muchiverenga. Musazoregazve kupinda mumakwikwi ekunyora akasiyana siyana. Gourd
of Consciousness National Poetry Competition anobatsira kutesvera vanyori uye
anowanisa vanyori zvokuverenga sezvo mubairo wacho uri wemabhuku maviri kubva
kuvanyori vemuZimbabwe. Izvi zviri kukurudzirawo vanyori kuverenga zvinyorwa
zvevanyori vemunyika ino. Nyorai, muverenge muverengwe.
hazvo, musakanganwa kuti chirwere cherudzibwamupengo cheCOVID-19 chichiri
kushungurudza vanhu munyika naizvozvo ngatitevedzerei zviga zvakatemwa senzira
yekudzivirira kuparadzirwa kwacho. Donongodzo izere yevakaremekedzwa iyo pazasi
Macheso — Musician, Nicholas Zacharia — Musician, Thomas Mapfumo — Musician,
Irene Chigamba — Musician, Zexie Manatsa — Musician, Lovemore Majaivana —
Musician, Bothwell Nyamhondera — Music Producer, Fraderic Mujuru — Musician,
Stella Chiweshe — Musician, Joyce Jenje Makwenda — Ethnomusicologist, Stephen
Chigorimbo — Filmmaker/Actor, Joe Njagu — Filmmaker, Nakai Matema — Filmmaker,
Ben Mhaka — Filmmaker, Susan Chenjerai — Actress, Jesesi Mungoshi — Actress, Felix
Moyo — Actor, Ellen Mlangeni — Actress/StoryTeller/Dancer, Aaron Chiundura Moyo
— Actor/Writer, Shimmer Chinodya — Writer, Chirikure Chirikure — Poet/Writer,
Barbara Makhalisa Nkala — Writer, Musaemura Zimunya — Writer, Cont Mhlanga —
Playwright, Phathisa Nyathi — Writer, Tsitsi Dangarembga — Writer, Paul
Chidyausiku — Writer, Susan Haines — Playwright, Dominic Benhura — Sculptor,
Sylvester Mubayi — Sculptor, Tafuma Gutsa — Sculptor, Adam Madebe — Sculptor,
Albert Nyathi — Poet, Daves Ghuzha — Theater, Jasen Mphepho — Theater, Matesu
Dube — Theatre/Dance, Nkululeko Dube — Theatre/Dance, Barnabas Chademoyo —
Dance, Helen Eiros — Painter, Rashid Jogee — Painter
Front cover of Maungira eZimbabwe
TWO different sets of
vibrant poets; the upcoming and published, have partnered in publishing a gem
of a Shona poetry anthology entitled, 'Maungira
eZimbabwe'. And indeed the echoes of these young Zimbabwe's poets will
reverberate forever. Their songs will last and last like a mother's love. It
would be unjust not to start by paying glowing tribute to Emmanuel 'The Prince
of Mazvihwa' Mhike who has developed a knack of grooming upcoming poets and
writers in Zimbabwe. It would also be wayward not to mention his other sixteen
'partners in crime' whose deft touch with the pen shone throughout the book
from the first page to the last one. The reader of Maungira eZimbabwe needs to be reminded to eat to a point of
satiety first before reading this marvellous piece of art, lest he or she
spends the whole day flipping through its pages and finds no time to eat. READ MORE
Memory Chirere
is an excerpt from Memory Chirere’s forthcoming Shona poetry collection ‘Shamhu
Yezera Renyu’, the excerpt is published here with permission from the
Aita mawara okuisa ruoko muhomwe mangu
achibva aburitsa dhora ndisina kumupa.
Abva awonekwa ipapo nevana vandakaticha.
Hondo iyo! Hondo iyo! Hondo iyo! Hondo!
Vaisa ndiro dzezvavanotengesa pasi ndokuti naye!
Ndabva ndakwidza kupinda mubhazi reDharuweni.
Ndawana hangu pekugara ndokudongorera panze.
Ndamuona achangobatwa nevana vandakaticha.
Vanga vakamumbundikira vose sevanomuda.
Vachiuya naye kuhwindo rebhazi kuti ndizvionere.
Ndaona achizozvuzvurudzwa pamusika weBindura.
Anga achinzi, “Haungadaro kuna mudhara wedu!”
Ndanzwa achidavira achiti, “Maiwee kani!”
Ndichibva ndatanga hangu kumenya bhanana.
Vana vandakaticha vamutenderedza sechamupupuri.
Ndanzwa iye achiti, “Handichambozvipamhidza!”
Ndichibva ndavhura kokora inotonhorera chaizvo.
Apidigurwa sechidhori achizunzwa homwe dzake.
Atorerwa zvose nedhora raambenge anditorerawo.
Ndapfeka magirazi angu kuti ndinyatsoona zvose.
Vamwe vana vandakaticha varamba vachiungana.
Ndaisaziva kuti vawanda semawuto emasvosve kudai.
Muchinda azhamba zvanzwikwa nevanga vari mubhazi.
Ndikatoti, “Asi ave kutovhiyiwa sembudzi here?”
Aroverwa pamutumbi webhazi seumhutu kumadziro.
Anga achibvunzwa kunzi, “Unoda kufa here iwe?”
Ndamunzwa achiti, “Aiwa musandiuraye. Musauraye!
Ndanga ndichingodawo kurarama chete chete.”
Vammbomusimudza zvatinoita munhu agowesa bhora.
Vazosimudza nehope yake zvakare kuti itarise kubhazi.
Vatanga kucheka cheka mhotsi dzake nechainge chigero.
Pabva pazoitika chinhu chaisafanira kuitika, mufunge.
Nekuti ndaona ari Tendai J. Chiwanza wekwa Tembo!
Aimbenge ari hedhi bhoyi pamazuva angu ndichivaticha.
“Zvakwana!” ndakamba asi handina kana kumbozvinzwa.
Ndazongonzwa mawungira enzwi rangu kuti nderangu.
Tendai aimbenge andibatsira kuwana zvose zvinofanira
kuwanikwa nemunhu kuti ave munhu muBindura.
Ndichikamba kudaro vana vandakaticha vazomurega.
Ndaona achimuka achimhanya nemusika sedzvatsvatsva.
Mbatya dzake dzanga dzichizeya sedzechinyau chiri mudariro.
Mugumbo anga asara neshangu imwechete ine mamheya.
Atiza achiti peya peya peya achikanda nhanho achidzedzereka.
Ndaburitsa foni yangu ndokumutora pikicha achitiza kudaro.
Ndosaka ndichigaroti: kana pandinozofawo hangu inini
mweya wangu wose zvawo haungagone kubuda muBindura.
Aleck Kaposa
The Rhodox Day
soft wind that could just ruffle the surface of the glinting Gwebi river water
was blowing early one morning as we poured out of the Chipwanya forest into the
road that led straight to school. To our great surprise, the sun was already
high up in the sky.
“Guys we better
start trotting, otherwise we will get to school very, very late.” Shikrivhao
said to the four of us: Masteki, Amadu, Penjeni and myself.
“True, boys, it’s long gone past assembly time, and
lessons have already started,” said Masteki apprehensively and quickly added,
“We all know how sweet Mr Gudo Zuze’s fan belt black mamba tastes like on one’s back.”
“Oh my God, that black mamba whip…” Amadu said, as
fearful as a warrior who has lost his spear and shield in the middle of a
raging battle.
“We are in big trouble today, guys. We should not have
gone to that place,” Masteki complained.
“We are already
very late guys, whether we run or keep walking, it doesn’t matter anymore.”
Penjeni declared with finality.
We should have been in class by then, had it not been for
Shikrivhao who had lured us to pass through a place near Gomo raSatani where he
said, while looking for firewood a few days ago, he stumbled upon a big beehive with enough
honey to fill three or four buckets. We had all like the biblical Adam, failed
to resist the temptation.
“I swear there was a huge beehive on the mouth of that
anthill that looks like a lion’s head over there,” was all Shikrivao could say
after an hour’s fervent search for the beehive with plenty of honey had proved
to be nowhere to be found. Now with the sun high up in the sky, we knew real
trouble awaited us at school.
Then just at that moment, as we emerged one by one from
the tall elephant grass into the dust road, we heard Amadu who was ahead of us,
suddenly scream with delight.
“Guys, look!” he shouted excitedly.
We shot into the road
and looked up into the eastern
sky, where Amadu was pointing. There, high in the blue, sunshine-bathed eastern
sky, flew a dozen or so, huge, onion-shaped things of many different colours
with square baskets suspended by short ropes under each of them.
“What are those things?” Shikrivao asked as we stared at
the flying things in wonder.
“Those are parachutes.” Amadu declared
“No, they are not,” Penjeni said, “Parachutes are open and don’t have those boxes. I once
saw parachutes at Mt Hampden Airport.”
“So what are they?” Shikrivhao continued asking.
“We don’t know what they are. Let’s just call them flying
things.” Penjeni said.
“Yes, yes,” we all agreed.
Slowly the flying things drew nearer and nearer but some
drifted away in different directions, towards Mashonga hills, St Marnocks,
Kenzi farm and African Distillers. As
they flew above us, they made a low droning sound and we could see that there
were people inside the square baskets, people like baas Michael Peter Belinsky, the owner of the farm where we lived. We waved at the
people and they waved back at us. Soon the strange flying things went past us
and their low purring sound gradually died like heavy rain coming to an
end. We then started trotting.
We met Mr Kubaya, one of our teachers, a short distance
from the school yard fence.
“Good morning teacher,” we threw a combined greeting at
“Morning,” he
bellowed. “I know you are late for school because you went chasing after those rhodoxes”
“So that is the name of those flying things, teacher?”
Amadu dared ask.
“I think that is the name, rhodox, from Rhodesia Oxygen company.”
“Thank you teacher,” we said together and timidly
proceeded to our classroom where we met the undiluted fury of Mr Gudo Zuze who
whipped us on our backs with his black
mamba. Soon afterwards, he made each one of us dig a one-by-one metre pits
in the nature reserve area next to the orchard and then made us write a
composition entitled The day I will never
In the afternoon
when Mr Gudo Zuze’s anger had evaporated like the water we poured on the school
vegetable garden beds every three days, we asked him the name of the flying
things and he said: “Those things are called gondolas I think.”
On the following morning, we saw those rhodoxes or gondolas again. One of them
actually landed in the school yard and the headmaster permitted all of us to go
and see it at close range.
“Ali, you are the one who knows how to speak in English,”
Penjeni said to me. “Go and talk to those people.”
I went to the men in overalls written Turnpan Zimbabwe
who were busy folding the huge tent and
untying ropes and introduced myself to them.
“Yes, Ali,” one of the men said, “I am Ted, Ted Hughes.
You want the name of this flying thing, it’s is called a hot air balloon. It’s
a large airtight bag filled with hot air or a lighter-than-air gas such as
helium or hydrogen so that it will rise and float in the atmosphere. This box
here is called a wicker basket.”
Ted Hughes went on to explain more about how the hot air
balloon flies and lands and also its different parts. As he concluded his
explanation, a Turnpan Zimbabwe truck drove into the school yard to pick up the
men and the now-deflated hot air balloon.
I thanked the man
and went back to class. Soon the truck carefully drove out of the school yard
and went away.

There, high in the blue, sunshine-bathed sky, flew a
dozen or so, huge, onion-shaped things of many different colours with square
baskets suspended by short ropes under each of them.
Prosper Njeke
Makadii vaverengi nevanyori.
Rwendo rwuno ndauya nechimwe chinyorwa, chichakutandadzai, icho chiri maringe
nenzira yekupakurwa kwemabhuku, enyayanyorwa nenhetembo nevanyori vazvino.
Naizvozvo chakanangana
nevanyori vemabhuku (Ndinovimba kuti
kubva pachinyorwa changu chemwedzi wapfuura, mave kuziva mutsauko wemunyori
webhuku uye nemunyori chete) vazvino avo vanonyora nyayanyorwa nenhetembo
vachitsikisa vega, ndichavanyeurira kuti vagova vakabudirira mubasa ravo.
Vatsikisi vekare, vanganzi neChiRungu
“Traditional Publishers”, vari kutsanangurwa nevanyori vazhinji vemazuvano,
vachinzi havasi kugashira mabhuku enyayanyorwa kana nhetembo kubva kuvanyori,
nechikonzero chekuti vanoti mabhuku aya, haavaunziri mari nekukasika sezvo
mukana wekutengwa kwavo uri mushomasa. Vanoti kuti atengwe hunge akwanisa
kusarudzwa neveZIMSEC, asi mukana wekuti mabhuku acho asarudzwe ese ndiwo
mushoma. Naizvozvo vanoti vatsikisi ava, vave kunyanyoda mabhuku anodikanwa
muzvidzidzo nguva dzese.
zvinova zvinodzikisira vanyori vazhinji venyayanyorwa kana nhetembo kuratidza
kudavadika kwavo sezvo kunyayanyorwa nenhetembo
kuriko kwavanogona zvikuru, kupinda dzimwe mhando dzemabhuku. Nekuda
kwekusarasa mbereko nekufirwa, vanyori, ava vakazviwanira nzira iri nyore
yekupakura zvichinyorwa zvavo vachiratidza vaverengi unyanzvi hwavo pakuruka
nyaya nenhetembo. Panzira idzi pane mbiri dzinoti:
1. Iya
yandakabva mukutaura nezvayo pachinyorwa chemwedzi wapfuura ndichiti, vanyori
vepadandemutande (Online Authors) vaya vasingatsikisi, asi vave kungoti
akapedza kunyora nhasi, anogona kutongopa kana kutengesera vaverengi
vovaraidzika havo nekudya kwenjere.
2. Vanyori
vemabhuku vanozvitsikisira. Ava ndevanoti, akapedza kunyora bhuku rake,
anotsvaka mupepeti wake, mutari wemufananidzo, murongedzi wemazwi, uye nezvimwe
zvese zvinodikanwa kusvika bhuku rapera, achizvibuditsira mari ega. Ava vane
mhando mbiri dzinoti
i) Kuzviitira zvese ega achibhadhara mari kuvanhu
vanomuitira basa iri bhuku robuda rine zita remutsiksi asina kunyoreswa kana
kuti asingazivikanwi. Anonotenga ISBN yake ega. Paya panodikanwa zita
remutsikisi anobva angonyora zita raanoda ega, raanenge angofunga.
ii) Kutsvaka vatsikisi vadiki (Small Publishers) vanoda
kubhadharwa, pane zvese zvavachaita. Ava vanogona kukutengera ISBN kana kuti
unotenga wega, asi vozongoisa logo
rekambani yavo, zvoita sekuti bhuku iri ratsikiswa navo. Kazhinji munobva
manyorerana pasi kuti mutsikisi uyu haana masimba ese pabhuku rako, asi kuti
iwe ndiwe une simba rese, kana kuti iye anenge aine chipenga chidiki
zvichienderana nebasa raaita, mumwe anototi haana kana simba racho pabhuku
rako, zvichienderana nekushandidzana kwamaita naye, pabhuku rako.
idzi dzese dziri mbiri dzarerukira vanyori vazhinji zvekuti vazhinji vanyori
vemabhuku aya ndiyo nzira yavari kushandisa. Nzira idzi hadzina mukana wekuti
bhuku rirambirwe kutsikiswa, asi bhuku rese rinotsikiswa.
mabhuku mazhinji nenzira iyi ayo akanaka chaizvo. Hongu vanyori vakazviwanira
nzira yakanaka yekuratidza unyanzvi hwavo, asi ndakaona kuti vasarirwa nechinhu
chimwe chete chinovakoshera icho chekuti vanofanira kuchiita kuti vagova
vakabudirira zvikuru mubasa ravo iri. Chinhu ichi ndechekutsvaka nzira yekuti
mabhuku avo asvike kuvaverengi zvine simba sekubudirira kwavo kune simba
pakupakura mabhuku aya. Nekuti vazhinji hongu vari kupakura mabhuku mazhinji
zviri nyore, asi pakuzoti mabhuku iwayo asvike kuvaverengi vakawanda pari
kuvanetsa. Vamwe vari kuzogumira pakungotsikisa, voratidza vamwe vanyori kana
hama dzavo zvotopera zvakadaro, mabhuku aye otogara zvavo mumba panzvimbo
paanochengeterwa pangava musaga, pasi pemubhedha, muwadhiropu kana pamwewo.
Vanyori ava vanogona kutoita makore gumi kana kuita mabhuku gumi kana
kuraudzira, asi vasingazivikanwi nevaverengi vakawanda, kana vemunharaunda
yavanogara chaiyo.
kuita mabhuku avo atadze kusvika kuvaverengi vakawanda inyaya yekushaya mari
yekupirindisa mamwe makopi emabhuku avo. Kuti mabhuku avo asvike kuvaverengi vazhizhi
ndinoti ngavamboedza chinhu ichi:
Kuti ivo vobatana pachavo, vova
neboka rekubatsirana kutengesa mabhuku aya, pamwe vachienda nawo kuzvikoro vari
seboka ravo. Votsvakawo rubatsiro kune mapazi anoona nezvekusimudzira mapoka
anenge achitanga mabhizimusi.
kune dzimwe nzira zhinji dzekuti mabhuku avo azivikanwe nevaverengi, asi mari
yekuti vaendese kuPrinting yemaCopy angasvike kana zana ekuti vagotengesera
kana kungopawo vaverengi vavo, haiwanikwi nevanyori vazhinji kana akazvimirira
ega. Izvi ndakazviona kune vamwewo vanyori.
ndiro donzvo rangu muchinyorwa chino, kuti vanyori zvavakawana nzira yakanaka
yekutsikisa mabhuku avo, kudai vachitsvakazve nzira yekuti mabhuku avo asvike
mumaoko evaverengi vakawanda.
Clever S Kavenga
The following
poem was published in The Patriot, 2019
Simbarashe Clever Kavenga
These hills silent as they are
Have seen it all
Comforted the wretched one and welcomed the
brave sons and daughters of thy land
Taking up arms for motherland's sake
To free her from the bloody yoke of colonialism
These hills silent as they are
Hold our story in awe
Yes these silent hills of Chimoio
Under their mystic timeless shadows
I saw images of yesterday
Though I couldn’t shake
The General's hand in honour
I felt his godly presence in those moments of
Here commanders marching mystically in slow
Inspecting the guard of honour
The comrades ready to leave for the war front
These hills silent as they are
Bear the scars of our time as prisoners of hope
These hills silent as they are
Are a story told in silence
Here the foundation of our independence
The land watered by teardrops and blood of our
Here where Nyadzonia River wails and groans
As it was yesterday after the treacherous acts
of cowardice
These hills silent as they are
Are like silos of a thousand dreams murmuring
Their songs are in the wind
Their songs Nyadzonia wails through them day and
And their hopes are embedded in these flowers
thy land
Yes these hills silent as they are
They are our story waiting to be told to you and
In my next
instalment of Voice From The Mountains I am going to feature one of the winners
in the JAC/ WIN Script Writing Competition, Mutare-based author Shingirai Manyengavana
(PICTURED BELOW). Continue to enjoy this space!

Book review coming in our next newsletter!
Writers International Network Zimbabwe would
like to ask friends for any information regarding a manuscript (unpublished)
titled Tozivepi written by Joseph
Matonga. The manuscript (two counter books with khaki and plastic covers), had
twelve chapters. If you have any information, please contact us at
Thank you very much.
The WIN Literary Newsletter is edited
by the WIN Editorial Team and published on the blog monthly or bi-monthly by
Writers International Network Zimbabwe (WIN). If you want to contribute or need
more information, contact us: