Batsirai Chigama performing at the City Of Asylum, Pittsburgh Jazz Poetry Festival
Rise and shine, these are the only words
we can say to Zimbabwean poet Batsirai Easther Chigama who is in Iowa for her writing residency program. You deserve it our sister!
We welcome you all to this bubbling 7th issue of our WIN Newsletter, Volume 2, which, as you will see, carries exciting items. How uplifting it is to have Tinashe Muchuri working closely with the WIN board as an intern! We are glad our members are embracing the art of book reviewing, an indication that they are reading fellow writers’ works. Reading as a writer is an exciting experience. Enjoy!
We welcome you all to this bubbling 7th issue of our WIN Newsletter, Volume 2, which, as you will see, carries exciting items. How uplifting it is to have Tinashe Muchuri working closely with the WIN board as an intern! We are glad our members are embracing the art of book reviewing, an indication that they are reading fellow writers’ works. Reading as a writer is an exciting experience. Enjoy!
Tinashe Muchuri
Advisory Board, led by US-based Prof Emmanuel Sigauke, has welcomed one of Zimbabwe’s
emerging writers Tinashe Muchuri who has joined the administration on a few
months’ internship.
month, WIN hatched a strategic plan that seeks to revive the writers’
organization so that it continues to benefit new and established Zimbabwean
writers. Hence, Muchuri’s choice of WIN is indeed well-timed.
on Muchuri’s internship, Professor Sigauke expressed great hope that it will
bolster the organization.
shows how important WIN is as an artistic organization and agent of change, to
attract the attention of such an important literary figure. Muchuri will
benefit as much from WIN as WIN will be the richer from his participation in it,”
he said.
internship, part of Muchuri’s media degree requirements at Zimbabwe Open
University, comes at a time when WIN needs such support.
last year, due to a number of challenges, the WIN Board put a stop on some of
WIN activities such as workshops, outreaches, and others, and even online
presence faded a little and only until early this year did the NAMA-award
organization resumed blogging and initiated WhatsApp lecture series. In spite
of all this, the membership kept growing and fed on the little WIN could
provide for them, like taking part in other organizations’ events to which WIN
was invited.
is not a stranger to WIN. He was there in 2010 when the organization was
officially launched in Harare and ever since, he has been part of the growing
has run a column in our online WIN Newsletter, facilitated one of the WhatsApp
lectures, and his performances at WIN events have always left aspiring writers
convinced that writing and storytelling or poetry can positively transform
only is Muchuri a novelist, with his debut Shona novel titled Chibarabada (2015, Bhabhu Books), but
also a talented actor, award-winning journalist, performer, editor, and
an interview with this writer few years ago, Muchuri said Chibarabada is a final product that came up after
taking advice from senior author Memory Chirere who had identified it in BWAZ-run
short story contest.
novel has attracted various criticisms, with some describing it as ‘anti-novel’
while others call it a ‘psychological thriller’. However, in it the reader is
met with issues of inheritance with the girl child in mind, culture,
orphanhood, and others.
Advisory Board believes, with Muchuri coming in, its vision for next year has
already found some weight.
Batsi (wechitatu kubva kuruboshwe) ari mudare padare raidzeya zveovaranomwe paIowa City Library
Vanyori vemuZimbabwe vanoita
mukurumbira zvikuru inosvika nekune dzimwe nyika uko zvinyorwa zvavo
zvinoremekedzwa chose uyewo basa ravo rinenge richishandiswa nevadzidzi veko
mukuvandudza hudavadi hwekunyorwa kweuvaranomwe. Batsirai Ester Chigama mumwe wevanyori
vari kusimudza mureza wenyika yeZimbabwe. Chigama mumwe wevanyori vakagona
kuwana ruremekedzo rweNational Arts Merit
Award (NAMA) mushure mekunge atsikisa bhuku rake renduri rekutanga rinonzi Gather the Children. Bhuku iri rinova
rakatsikiswa mugore rapfuura nekambani inotsikisa mabhuku yeNtombikhaya rakaita
mukurumbira zvikuru richinyorwa naro.
yeruremekedzo rwake rwekunyora bhuku renduri harusiri irwo rwatiri kunangana
narwo nhasi. Ino nyaya ndeyekukurumura naye maererano nechimwe chiitiko chinofadza
chaakasangana nemunyori uyu. Chigama akasarudzwa kuti ave pakati pevamwe
vanyori vanobva kunyika dzakasiyana dzepasi rino dzinondogara pachikoro
chedzidzo yepamusoro cheIOWA University kuUSA vachiita zvehudavadi hwekunyora.
WinZim, Chigama anoti iye akafonerwa nemumwe mushandi wekuUnited States Public Affairs section (USPAS). Asvikako akanzi agare
pasi kuti agoudzwa kuti chii chaainge adaidzirwa.
kufonerwa naGladys wekuUSPAS. Ndakaita kakutya kuti zvimwe ngainge ndisina
kukwana muchirongwa cheIWP asi akanditaurira kuti moyo wangu ufare musi uyu,”
akadaro Chigama.
WinZim yaibvunza Batsie kuti chingava chii chaakaita zvakanaka chingava
chakaita kuti awane kudomwa kuva pakati pavamwe vanyori muchirongwa ichi akati
iye aisaziva kuti chingava chii asi kuti kunongonzi hakuendeki njee!
ini handizivi. Chandakaudzwa kuno ndechekuti hakungouyiki. Kune matare maviri
anogara pasi achiongora mabasa ose, zvinyorwa zvinenge zvabva kune nyikja
zvakadaro hazvo zvisinei nekuti haazivi kuti chii chaichoicho chakaita kuti
adomwe, akatisemurirawo zvishoma zvaakati iye anogona uye anogara achiita
nemazvo. Izvo zviya kana vadavadi vachidavadika, panenge pane vanenge vachiona.
Vanoona vamwe vacho ndivo vanozopa mukombe, vamwe vachipa ruremekedzo
rwakasiyanasiyana, vamwe vachipembedza asi vamwewo ndivo vanozoita kuti
mudavadi akokwe munzendo dzakasiyanasiyana seiyi yakakokwa Chigama. Kubudikidza
nekushanda nesimba Chigama akadomwa kuti apinde muchirongwa ichi.
vaiwona mukubata kwandaiita. Zita rangu rakatoendeswawo kuUSPAS nevamwe
vaiwonawo mashandiro angu.”
anoti kushanda nesimba handihwo hwaro bedzi hwekuti uwonekere kuruzhinji uye
kuti uve unoremekedzwa navamwe. Chigama akawedzera achiti kushanda nevamwe
zvakanaka uye kutsiurika kunoita kuti ukudzwe uye kuti uwanewo zvizhinji
nevamwe zvakanaka. Kushanda uchiramba uchidzidza zvitsva. Kutsiurika uye
kuitira vamwe zvakanaka,” Batsie anodaro.
vane tsumo inoti ‘Chitsva chiri murutsoka, garo harina chitsva’ naizvozvo
seWinZim takabvunzawo Batsie kana paine zvitsva zvaakasangana nazvo zvaangada
kutakura kuuya nazvo kumusha achizogovera vamwe akati iye anofara kuti kunyika
yaakaenda kakatyamadzwa neruremekedzo runopiwa vanyori urwo rwusingawanikwi
munyika yebarirwa.
kunoremekedzwa vanyori. Vanopihwa
nzvimbo yavo sevanhu vakakosha muzviitiko zvekuvandudza dzidzo nenyika. Takawanda chose saka zvatinodzidza kubva kune
mumwe nemumwe zvakawanda,” akadaro Batsie.
akatanga nekubuda nebhuku rakanaka kudero rakaita mukurumbira, WinZim yakada
kuziva kana Batsie aive ane zvimwe zvitsva zvaakarongera vvaverengi iye akati
aive nezvitsva zvichiri mubikiro.
chiri munzira. Semunhu ava kuziva kuti
kutsikisa bhuku hakusi nyore, ndava kuziva nzira yandinofanirwa kufamba nayo,
yakareba. Chinyorwa chavapo, ndiri
kutochipepeta chisati chaenda kuna mupepeti mukuru,” akadaro Batsie.
kwekunyora nduri nenyaya pfupi Batsie anondura nduri mudariro zvinyonwisa mvura
uye ane izwi rinotapira nekunzwisisa mutauro weChiRungu uyo waanonyanya kunyora
nawo kunyange zvake achinyorawo zvekare kana kukurudzira kunyorwa kwemutauro
weChiShona zvinova izvo zvaita tikurukure naye nerurimi rwaamai.
Chigama haasiye zvake wekutanga kuenda kuchirongwa chehudavadi hwevanyori ichi
chekuIOWA. Kune vamwe vanyori vakambopindawo muchirongwa ichi.
For more information on the programme
and Zim participants who have been on the programme please visit the UI
website: https://iwp.uiowa.edu/residency
Yakaitwa naSimbarashe Jongwe
kugunun’una, kuromba, uroyi, rufu, ngozi, yambiro, chitendero, zvose izvi
zvinhu zvinobata upenyu hwedu vanhu vatema zuva nezuva.
Mukuverenga Maungira Mudenhere (Diaspora Publishers,
2014) rakanyorwa na Peter Muzira, unosara wakangwa mate mukanwa, gotsi rati
papata kuoma sowadya nyama yekondo. Bhuku iri muunganidzwa wenhetembo.
Ukariverenga unobva waona kuti zvokwadi nhetembo inyaya inobata upenyu hwevanhu
nguva dzose asi ichitaurwa nemutauro usina kujairwa, mutauro wakapfuma.
Bhuku iri rine nhetembo
dzinokutora nokufamba newe mumafuro manyoro epfungwa dzanyaduri uyo anoratidza
kuva munhu akaverenga zvinyorwa zvemitauro yakawanda ndokuona parikusarira
shure mumutauro wedu. Muchenjeri haangafudzi mombe dzevamwe iye dzake dziri
mudanga Sezvinonzi dzinofura ndove!
Chaunotanga kuona
munhetembo dzaMuzira mitsara mishoma-shoma inoumba nhetembo idzi. Detembo
rakava murabaraba kashoma kuti vechidiki vemazuva ano variverenge vachiripedza.
Naizvozvo nhetembo dzaMuzira ipfupi asi dzichisvitsa shoko rakapakatwa
nanyanduri iro raanoda kusvitsa kumuverengi. Apa ndipo paunoona kuti chokwadi
svosve rakauraya nzou. Mutauro wake wakapfuma neChiShona chamandorokwati.
Semuenzaniso, detembo
rinonzi ‘Chenjera’ rakavakwa nemistara mishoma-shoma inoti:
Mwanangu sekera muchitende
Panokudumuka Mhandu
Unofuma wonangwa uroyi.
Hurudza painotadza goho,
Sekera muhapwa
Unofuma wonzi ndiwe wakakanda divisi
mumunda mayo.
Nhetembo pfupi-pfupi
dzerudzi urwu dzinowanzo wanikwa kururimi rweChingezi. Apa vaMuzira varatidza
kuti chro kumutauro wedu zvinogoneka.
Hatingati vaMuzira munhu
anotenderana nechivanhu kana kuti chi Kristu asi kuti ndinyanduri ari kwese
kunzungu nekunyimo. Kugona Kubata nyaya dzezvitendero zviviri (chivanhu/kupira midzimu
nedze chiKristu) mubhuku rimwe pasina wawakanganisa mweya wake, unyanzvi
hwakaratidzwa namyanduri.
Mudetembo ‘Ko Ini’ rinova
rimwe renhetembo shoma dzakati rebeyi, nyanduri anoti:
Razaro makamubura mubwiro
Ini ndini ndoworeramo
Bofu pazambara reJereko makarionesa
Ini ndini ndofa ndichitsvanzvadzira
Vose vanoenda kukereke
vanobva vatoziva pakabva nyaya dzacho
mumagwaro matsvene.
Mukuverenga Maungira Mudenhere unosangana nemazwi matsva. Mamwe emazwi mazwi
agara ariko asi kuti haachashandiswi mazuva ose. Mashandisirwo emazwi aya
anovandudza mutauro nokuvhura pfungwa kuupenyu hwenguva yekare. Iri bhuku
harifanirwi kushaika padura remunyori kunyanya avo vachiri kusimukira vane
shuviro yekuzotsikisa dzavo nhetembo.
Tendai Chinhoro
This is
my first reading of a local literary work dealing with the sensitive subject of
homosexuality. I haven't read Tendai Huchu's Hairdresser of Harare but through a certain book review, I learnt
that Huchu also touched on the same issue. In Zimbabwe, homosexual
relationships are outlawed.
by Milton J Chitsime, Not In Zimbabwe (2015,
Forteworx Press) is a simple but fast-paced story of a young man named Tongai
Bindu who becomes a homosexual following his stay in a foreign country. Upon
returning to Zimbabwe, he falls into a homosexual relationship with Keith who
is his sister’s boyfriend.
was quick to question how Chitsime could write so well about a world they have
not lived. Perhaps this is why it is called ‘creative writing’. However,
creative writing is not devoid of factual and traceable assertions. Writers
themselves take time to research on any theme which they want to highlight in
literature. And Chitsime’s book shows that some research was done.
Although homosexuality is outlawed in
Zimbabwe, this does not mean the country has no homosexuals. Our society is generally heterosexual and
therefore parents would want their children to develop a heterosexual
orientation. However, due to the infiltration of homosexuality in the country,
children and adults now have a high chance of getting assimilated into these
‘deviant’ sexual behaviors and thus, books like Not In Zimbabwe can be one of the few available resources for
people to learn about its undesirability. Parents and guardians have a tendency
to discuss with their children only subjects that they are comfortable with,
leaving out those ones understood to be sensitive or culturally improper.
fear could still grip some authoritarian parents who would think that because
the book offers a negative viewpoint on homosexuality, it might also reinforce
or awaken the innate inclination to homosexual tendencies - what psychologists
might loosely call ‘maladaptive learning’ whereby an attempt to prevent or
uproot a deviant trait through some teaching by whatever method or stimulus in
someone actually deepens the rooting.
does not however tell us the stage at which one feels they are homosexual. At
birth or later in life through socialization?
Is one born homosexual or the behavior develops through some initiation?
the story, Tongai was not homosexual until he went abroad. He actually had a
female partner which meant that he was heterosexual. How does a two year
experience or a single day attendance to a party of homosexuals in a foreign
country completely overturn one's sexual orientation? One can put it to the writer that some
narration about Tongai's experiences in the Netherlands would have given the
reader some idea about how one is possibly initiated to become a homosexual.
further pokes into gender issues and women's sexual idiosyncrasies when,
through the character Paida, he lets us know how mothers may push their
daughters into the hands of wealthy men for a potential courtship to take
place. Through its characters, the story also highlights the art of seduction
women employ to bring men into their sexual scheming. If women can approach men
through body language, one still wonders why it is still men who should first
propose orally. In other words, what we call ‘proposing’ as done by men might
actually be called ‘responding’ to or ‘accepting’ a woman's proposal
articulated through seduction. In this case, Tongai actually turned down
Paida's proposal since he was gay.
book let us know how those in the corridors of power protect each other in
crime. The mother minister, Mavis, attempts by all means to bar the police from
apprehending her gay son. Real crime happens in the royal palaces but
prosecution is usually hesitant to uncover such crimes by the royal brood; the
law is for the non-royal, it seems. However, Mavis is discharged of her duties
as Minister on the basis of the sins of her son.
tackling such themes like homosexuality, Chitsime displayed the boldness
expected of a writer. Writers must observe the good and the ills of society and
ventilate them in their writings.
Notwithstanding some few technical faults
found in the book, Chitsime has shown us that as long as there are people
living there will always be themes and issues to tackle through writing.
Writers simply need to be aware of their global surroundings.
Aleck Kaposa
Hello young readers, I hope I find you
well. This time I bring you some poetry and I want you to do the exercises that
follow each poem. You can write poems too. The poems below are extracted from
my children’s book After The Rain, a
collection of poems.
After The Rain
the rain
Noisy rivulets rush to the big river
frogs croak happily in the valley
play in the puddles
kites and paper ships
play with toy cars
play pada
the rain
boom, boom of thunder is gone
too is all the fear
sky is clear
sun is out
is calm
are happy again.
To Do
What is the poem about?
Draw a picture of children
playing after the rain
Write a poem of 10 lines on
‘The Weather Today’ using two or three senses
One More Time
am trying again
more time
am lighting
on another door
another prayer
another song
another seed of hope
the earthquake
am building
all the failures of yesterday
am trying again
to Do
is the poem about?
NaTinashe Muchuri
Rima Ati Ugozodya
Tiri kusangana zvakare muchikamu chino
cheNgatinyorei. Kare zvaiti kana jaya richinotanga kuvaka musha kana kuva
nemhuri yaro vanhurume vemumusha vairipa midziyo yekushandisa pakubata mabasa
akasiyana-siyana aitarisirwa kuti ringe richiita sababa vemusha. Zvimwe
chetezvo zvaiitirwa mhandara paya zviya payaiperekwa kumurume, vanhukadzi
vekwainobva vaiigashidza midziyo yese iyo yaiita kuti igone kuita mabasa ese
aitarisirwa kuitwa namai vemusha. Zvadai vaviri vaibatanidza midziyo yavo
vovaka musha wavo. Mazuva ano zvasarira kumadzimai zviya pavanoti vari kuenda
kumutambo weKitchen Party (weimba yekubikira).
nyaya iyi mushure mekunge ndasangana nevanyori vaviri vagara mubasa rekunyora
nyaya nenduri. Taive tave pedyo nekusvika pamusiwo weNational Gallery ndakaona
makotsi evanhu vandinoziva. Ndakaudza vapwere vangu kuti ngatikandei nhanho
kuti ndiwane vanhu vandaive ndaona vasati vatama pamusiwo weGallery uyu sekuti
ivo vairatidza kuti vainge vagungwa kuona zvionwa zvepanzvimbo iyi. Vapwere
vakandivhunza kuti ko ivo vanhu vainge vakatipira makotsi ndainge ndavaziva sei
chaizvo? Ndakangovati vakamboonana havashayane mumhindo. Vakaseka zvavo isu
nhanho tichikanda kundoona vanyori vandainge ndaona ava.
Yainge yave nguva yakareba
ndisina kuona vanyori vaviri ava. Kunyange paguwerere reZimbabwe International
Book Fair (ZIBF) yegore rino handina kunge ndavaonawo. Vainge vakabatikana
nedzimwe ndima. Shimmer Chinodya ndiye umwe wacho. Tinoseka chose tese kana
taonana iye achitaura ChiKaranga chakadzama. Anofarira kundidaidza zita
remutambi werimwe remabhuku ake anonzi Chorosi. Ndiyeka Charles. Umwe waaive
naye ndiEthel Kabwato.
akabva atanga zvake kutaura nyaya yedu yekuroverana iyi achiti ava
kungondionera muchikamu chino cheNgatinyorei. Takaseka apo taitorwa mifananidzo
yakasiyana-siyana. Ipapo ndaive nanevanji wangu natete MaDube. Ndiwo musi
wasvika shoko rekuti aimbove mutungamiri wenyika yeZimbabwe, Robert Gabriel
Mugabe, ainge ashaya mangwanani emusi iwoyo. Ini ndaienda hangu nepwere dzangu
kuNational Gallery of Zimbabwe kuti vambondoona hudavadi hwevadavadi vanonyora
nemifananidzo nezvivezwa. Mugabe mumwe wevanhu vemuZimbabwe aifarirawo ZIBF
chose zvekuti aitombouyawo achiona zviratidzwa zvemabhuku izvi.
Takabva taona kukosha
kwemaGallery. Takatoona nekutenderana kuti Gallery rimwe rebasa rayo nderekuva
nzvimbo inosanganira vadavadi nemhando dzavo dzese. Pakabva panyuka imwe inova
iri pamwoyo yevanyori vaviri ava. Nyaya hombe iri yekuti tinofanira kupota
tichisangana savanyori tichiverengerana nyaya dzedu. Chinodya akabva ataura
zvavaimboita kare vachisangana panzvimbo yekereke yeMethodist vachigoverana
zvinyorwa nemazano. Taivepo zvedu pamusiwo weGallery muHarare tichikurukura
zvedu. Kwemakore akati kuti ipo paGallery ndipo panosanganira vanyori
vemuZimbabwe vachikurukura pamutambo wevanyori wekupanana pfungwa namazano
weZimbabwe International Book Fair Writers’ Workshop uyo unoitwa muzuva
rekupedzesera reguwerere iri. Zvisizvo zvega, ZWA yaitomboitira misangano
yayowo zvekare panzvimbo iyi.
Pataitaura nevaviri ava
Ethel akabva atipa mumwe neumwe wedu pauviri hwedu bhiro yekunyoresa. Ukapiwa
badza wanzi ugutezve! Vakuru vachitsinhira vachiti, ‘Anokuti rima akuti ugute.’
Ethel akatipa mapadza ekuti tirime tiwane kuguta. Chii chimwe chinotarisirwa
kuti vanyori vasangana vaite kunze kwezvekunyora?
Tichikurukura kudero,
ndakabva ndafunga vanyori vechiri kusimukira. Ini nevamwe venguva yangu takaita
rombo rakanaka ndokuwana masangano evanyori akaita seBudding Writers
Association of Zimbabwe (BWAZ) neZimbabwe Women Writers (ZWW) achiri kushanda
zvakanaka apo ainge achiwaniswa mari nemasangano akazvimirira oga ekunze
kwenyika. Mari iyi yaishandiswa kutesva unyanzvi hwevanyori uye kuzotsikisa
zvinyorwa zvavo zvemadzidzwadzidzwa mumabhuku aizotengesa nemasangano aya.
Chinodya mumwe weavo vaiuya vari vatesveri achitiveza mundima yekunyora nyaya
pfupi pamwe nekunyora nganonyorwa. Hurudziro yake yaive pakuti munyori ave
muravi anokoshesa kurava zvinyorwa zvevamwe vanyori zvakafanana nezvake nevamwe
vanyori vakasukuta ndima iyi senzira yekuti tisazosakura mundima makabvwuwiwa
nekuzunza kare uye aitifundisa kuti munyori anofanira kutsvagurudza pamusoro
pedingindira raari kunyora nezvaro. Zvakativeza nanhasi mazano iwayo
tinoashandisa pakunyora apa.
Chiripo Chakati Tende?
naObvious T. Dziwanyika
Ko, izvo riri shura!
Nhai mhofu yomukono?
Vanochema chinoshura?
Mazvimbirwa neiko?
Icho chinobata ura,
Kwemazuva maviri akateedzana?
Maita rutsva rwerurimi here?
Zvino tingakurapei neiko?
Rutsva rwerurimi zvarwusina
Ndianiko adenha mago, nhai mhofu?
Ko, kuchema ishungu here?
Kuchema inzara here?
Ndepapi pari kubanda nhai baba?
Ko, ndianiko adenha mucheche?
Ravanyakutumbura vake zamu,
Wake muromo arisonera.
Rambuya vake zamu,
Wake muromo arizarurira.
Zvino rinobudei rehariyofanzirofa?
Huyai tiite maonerapamwe,
Chuma chomuzukuru.
Pane chariuraya zizi,
Harife rega.
Huyai tindotsvaga
Kuti chii chavabaya baba.
Heart Destruction
By Vongai Hillary Masuka aka Larey The Poet
The heavy toll of my heart was taken
My soul tinkled in grief
The heart died
Before I took a love bite
Assumed he was Mr. Right
But he killed my heart with an
emotional fight
A tomahawking fight he always had in
I forgot, l forgot that he was a
But the once loved lover
The foregone love minister
Who knew that he was just a visitor?
I thought this thing we could patch
I later realized that these colors
don't match
Love... From him?
I intend not to fetch
Not anymore,
The feelings l can't catch
I suppose to him l was a hussy
That's why he always sounded husky
Unnecessarily, all he wanted was...
He was of high nonentity
Badly nasty
Handimude futi!
Great work you are doing,Please to have VaMuchuri actively involved with the organization. Keep shining.