Registered under the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe

17 September 2014

WIN Newsletter, Issue No 81 Coming Soon

Down Memory Lane ...Let Passion Lead

The WIN Newsletter has so far come in 80 issues and as we walk back down the path the very first newsletter, a two item piece, we think we ought to be thankful to you for reading and growing with it.

We may grow slowly but surely we do.

06 September 2014

WIN Newsletter, Issue No 80


Flashback: Writers enjoying 2011 WIN Writers’ End of Year Get-Together at the Book Café in Harare. From left: Clever Kavenga, Mashingaidze Gomo and Lexta Mafumhe Mutasa

We are glad that aspiring writers are actively participating in writing events around them and this is commendable.  We urge new writers to read as much local literature as they can so as to gain enough knowledge and be conscious of what others before them have written. A lot more other literary events are happening around us and what else can placate our hunger but to be part of all this inspiration.
Members may also have been wondering what is happening to the ‘4 in 1’ Poetry Anthology we are putting together.  We would like to make a reminder that WIN normally would love to step on every ground, albeit potholes and thorns thereon, to reach its Destiny. A book published should reach its readers and readers are not only reviewers, intellectuals, friends, relatives or teachers of the author, but readers are right in the community. WIN would like to publish works that get into the homes of Zimbabweans and/or neighboring countries and get the people sing the book like a popular song that will change lives/thoughts and celebrate African talent. Our elders did it with the Mapatya’s, the Tambaoga Mwanangu’s, the Coming of the Dry Season’s etc. A generation of our elder brothers and sisters still remember these books which they encountered long ago at school and at home. We can also do it. The ‘4 in 1’ Poetry Anthology, which is the first publishing project WIN has bravely taken up, is one of the books we want to unleash to celebrate our cultural diversity and gifts of poetry. We call upon aspiring poets writing in Ndebele and Tonga languages to send their poems to us for possible inclusion in the anthology. We thank you all for the support.
Please enjoy.


In response to its members’ desire to learn and exchange ideas, Writers International Network Zimbabwe has come up with a schedule of meetings dubbed ‘Inspirational Saturdays’ to be held at the association’s office in Harare every Saturday afternoon.
Different groups will be contacted to meet on certain Saturdays to discuss any chosen aspect of writing which the office deems pertinent to new writers. This also helps members get used to the office and updates. Reading each other’s pieces of works, discussing a certain topic and sharing new ideas will be some of the activities.  WIN will occasionally invite an established writer to share the afternoon with the members.
For more information, contact WIN.


Bhuku Risina Basa is now available in Harare at the Book Café Bookshop, 139 Samora Machel Avenue for $11 USD.
In the UK or in the neighbourhood, get in touch with Dr. Robert Masunga in Birmingham for your copy. It's going for £6.99 including postage in the UK. Phone: 00447788248187 Email: (Taken From KwaChirere)


Na Odreck Nyika

Some of WIN members with writer  Ignatius T Mabasa (second from right) at the Alliance Francaise on August 29, 2014.  Mabasa held storytelling events on this day and the following day at the venue. From left: WIN Volunteer Odreck Nyika, Mudikani Gondora, and Beloved Maridzanyere. WIN is grateful to writer Mabasa for according our members a chance to listen and learn from his storytelling.

Hapaidanwa anonzwa paAlliance Francaise musi wa 29 Nyamavhuvhu apo zuva rakanga rorereka. Takapakurirwa semanhanga nyaya dzinokodza moyo. Nyaya dzavaMabasa  dzaive nechenjedzo nezvidzidzo zvakakosha muhupenyu hwemunhu wese zvake. Chete bedzi kure kwemeso nzeve dzinonzwa. Idonzwaiwo zvimwe zvezvatakagoverwa munzeve dzedu.
Mune imwe nyaya vaMabasa vakabudisa pfungwa dzinoti ndambakuudzwa akaonekwa nembonje pahuma. Chidzidzo ichi chakafugurika senguwo yatorwa nemhepo apo vana vaHuku vananhiyo vakapinda muna taisireva. Kusateya nzeve kwavo kwakavaparira apo pavakanzi namai vavo musafambe-fambe. Vakafarisa zvekubvarura nguwo apo mumwe wavo akanhonga gonye. Gonye irori ndiro rakonzeresa zvose.
Mungano inonzi Mary neBhutsu Tsvuku kuda zvisizvake kwakaparira chimhandarasikana Mary. Hapana chimwe chinhu chakaba moyo waMary kupfuura bhutsu tsvuku yaakasangana nayo achienda kwambuya vake. Pfungwa dzaMary dzaida kuedza kubatanidza zvakanga zvichiitika asi pazvimbo yekuti bhutsu tsvuku idzi dzive dzake, iye akasara ari pagwenga.
Njere ndedzekufunga chokwadi sekubuda kwazvakaita mungano yaShumba naGava iyo yakataurwa navaMabasa vachishandisa mutauro unodakadza. Izvi zvakabuda pachena semhanza yembudzi iri pamabvi. Gava akashandisa Shumba zvinova zvakavhundutsa mhuka dzesango dzose. Gava haana kana kuzodyiwa naShumba!
VamaMabasa vakataurazve imwengano yedende. Imiwe kushora mbodza neinozvimbira kunowanikwa mazuva ano muhupenyu hwedu vanhu. Akashorwa nevamwe vose kamba apo akakumbira mukana wekuchera tsime remvura raicherwa nemhuka dzesango.  Nyaya iyi inonakidza nekuti Tsuro, uyo akaramba kubata basa nevamwe, aive netwakewo twunotemesa musoro mhuka dzesango. Inonakidzazve nekuti mhuka idzi dzinenge dzichishandisa nharembozha (cell phones). Ndatenda!

Nemiwo munogona kunakirwa nengano dzavaMabasa. Verengai zvizere nezvechirongwa chavo chengano icho chinonzi “Dende Rengano”:


Mimi Machakaire (above)

Parents Should Support Their Children who Choose a Career in the Arts

There have been many misconceptions when it comes to children wanting to be artists such as singers, rappers, writers or to just generally be involved in the creative and performing arts. This is disheartening, because while it is understandable that some people really are not talented and should pursue other options, there are those who actually are, and might limit themselves from a potentially fulfilling and lucrative career. The truth is that there are people who can blow you away with their remarkable skills of drawing, telling stories, crazy dance moves and many more. I wish I had half the talent that some of these amazing young people have, and the fact is when they do have it, they will not stop until people notice who they are. It is not just a pipe dream to them; it is their life. 

Most parents think that when their child comes up to them and says that they would like to pursue a career in the performing arts this idea will not last long. While this is true in some cases, the same cannot be said about those who are genuinely talented and determined to realise their potential. Due to the volatile nature of performing arts careers and the fact that most establishing artists will not be paid or will be paid very little, it should be encouraged they can have something to fall back on if their first-choice career does not work out. 

But the smart thing to do would be to just support them. Get them used to performing in front of people. Whether it may be at weddings, parties, clubs, or even school assemblies, anything that involves a crowd large enough for them to gain the experience and build enough nerve to do a more professional event for the future. If they are not good enough, the crowd will tell them and reality will set in the moment they either forget their words or moves, or they hear their first “boooo!” If they are good, the crowd will cheer and enjoy themselves; that way you will know for sure if your child really has a chance at this or not. For the ones who get a positive reaction from the crowd, the more practice they get at being on stage, the more chances they have at becoming noticed by someone influential who may be watching them in the audience. You will never know who might be looking for new talent in the entertainment industry, and therefore you have to take every opportunity possible to expose the talents of your ambitious child. 

If your child wants to be a writer or author, look for magazines, websites and newspapers where they can send articles to on a weekly or monthly basis. Also, keep a watch out for any competitions they can take part in and stay in touch with other authors or writers who have made it, because they can also give your child advice on how to write better and get noticed that much faster. Help them sign up for any local workshops they can participate in over the weekend just to keep their creative juices flowing. The point is to make sure that their skills are continuously developing, and by the time they look for work or a paying opportunity arises it will not be as hard to find as compared to others who did not get that exposure and experience. 

For artists, I can understand why adults and parents may be scared about the idea of them pursuing their creative careers, since it is a highly competitive and unstable career. But if he or she has the drive and ambition, in order to avoid them ending up penniless in pursuit of their passion, search for schools they can go to that focus on the arts. That way the teachers or other facilitators at those schools can help them get connected to other artists and keep them in the know of any projects that they can participate in. It is easier to pursue your dream with a strong network of support, and when you are surrounded by other people who are just like you and share your interests. If worst comes to worst they can just as simply still become teachers or mentors in their chosen fields due to the contacts they have made; either way, they can do what they love and get a steady salary. 

The fact of the matter is there have been success stories of people who involved themselves in the creative arts. JK Rowling for example struggled to be an author but now she has one of the world’s most recognisable faces and stories. Oliver Mtukudzi struggled to be a singer and now his name is known even in places like Europe and USA. What is important is just how much passion that person has in order for them to go as far as they really want to. If parents keep saying no, there is the risk that children are stubbornly not going to listen to anyone, and at some point they will fail to realise that they are going in all the wrong directions in the hopes that they prove their point. But if, as a parent, you show your support, then they will look at all the options that will be presented to them and hopefully pick the right one in the hopes that they will make you proud as parents. Being involved in the creative arts is all about chance and talent. You either have it or you don’t, and if you have it then the chances of success are that much higher. There is a big difference between wanting to prove someone wrong and wanting to prove someone right. It all comes through how the adults of today react to the decisions that the adults of tomorrow will make.

Pictured above is a Shona poetry anthology Zviri Mugapu (ISBN 978-0-7974-6004-1) published this year. The anthology, edited by contributing poets Brian Tafadzwa Penny, CJ Mylton and Givemore Mhlanga, sparkles with variegated gifts of Shona language. Other poets featured in this book are: Munyaradzi Chiweshe, Admire Gomo, Kamuzezuru Shepherd Shadreck, Joel Masaidzi, Edwin Msipa Muketiwa, Emmelina Murawu, Lydia Ngore, Patrick Njanike, and Tafireyi Cosmos.

Book review coming soon!


Ndini WIN-Zimbabwe

Na Odreck Nyika (above)

Vananyanduri idzi dzawira mutswanda hadzichanetsi kunhonga
Chinono chinengwe bere rakadya richifamba
Huyai ndinokukokayi vanyori
Kumamisha kumapfanya kumaruzeva
Vananyanduri varikutanga muzere hamuzivane
Mumadhorobha muchirungu kumagetsi
Muzere vanyori asi hamuzivane
Ndini WIN-Zimbabwe

Nganonyorwa nyorai mundiigire pauzima
Nduri nyorai
Yakagukuchira yakapfuma mitauro ndinoitambira
Shona, Ndebele, Chirungu kana Tonga
Husahwira hwangu kwamuri
Ndehwemukombe nechirongo
Nokuti imi murimatende anorema anemhodzi
Semombe kumafuro nyika munoidzora kuhunhu
Handirambe bodo kudyidzana nevamwe vanyori
Huyai Ndini WIN-Zimbabwe

Chinzwai imi vanyori vachirikutanga
Regai kudzipwa neganda nyama iripo
Chiregai kuti pamusasa pamunhondo
Chinzwai imi vanyori
Chinono chinono chinono chinengwe iwe….

Thank you for reading our Newsletter.

02 September 2014

Newsletter Number 80 coming soon..

Remembering our elders...

The late great artist Walter Lambert Muparutsa

As WIN, we will always be inspired by the road we walked with you 'Mambo'


WIN Newsletter, Issue No 80 will be here soon